That weezing will be a very interesting and useful addition to a spread damage deck. Given the format is pretty basic heavy right now......I like it.
Rules question:
If I have the regular Persian in play (with the ability that makes Pokemon with cat day not need energy cost) + shining celebi in play can the evolved forms that have the cat day attack not need energy to do their attacks?
Would make for a very interesting incineroar deck....
The wording is necessary especially in regards to saying it works on the turn you play down the pokemon otherwise this item would only work on the players first turn. Ambiguous wording is much worse because it causes judges like me to have to spell it out to everybody. But if someone asked me what this card did I would tell them they need to read more carefully.
After thinking this through, this can't work -- the shining celebi just says "can use the attacks of previous evolutions" which I think is different from having the attack.
Umm evosoda evolves the pokemon but adheres to normal evolution rules, Wally does not the distinction is necessary otherwise dusk stone would just look like a very specific evosoda. And an attack that evolves a pokemon is done in between turns so really it does follow the rules and if it didnt it would say soNeither is necessary to mention. Trainers, attacks, abilities, etc. that evolve Pokemon bypass the normal evolution rules. Mentioning it is completely redundant, and can make people assume cards like Ultra Prism Gible that DON'T say that don't work that way.
At the very, VERY least, redundant reminder text like this should be parenthesized to indicate it doesn't change how the card functions, but most card games wouldn't include such information. (Or would include it in every single instance, which Pokemon also doesn't do.)
Blastoise-GX + Baby Blastoise is a thing, isn’t it?Ah, I forgot that Magnezone/Zeraora is a thing, especially with Electropower nowadays.
Blastoise GX is underwhelming. A 60x as the modifier is super good, but the deck isn’t the most accessible place to have to pull Energy from again.
Whimsicott GX, while being a big meme, also has a really good GX attack. Beware!
How ironic that the Dusk Stone is going to be giving me nightmares.
Martial Arts Dojo? Eh, Fighting Dojo was better. I LOVE that Buzzwole can’t use this. That’s the best clause I’ve ever seen on any card ever.
Welder is going to be making an influence in the Blacephalon and other Fire decks meta for sure. If this card was for another type, say Fighting, I wouldn’t have stopped ranting by now.
Ah, TCE brings Evolution Pokémon back onto the scene! Silvally GX will surely be pumped up. Lickilicky can now meme for a single attachment. Awrodactyl can subvert the regular GX meta for a single attachment. Even Gardevoir GX can utilize this for an extra 90 damage! That’s a lot. So can baby Gardy from who knows what set can end up attacking for a single energy.
TCE is by far one of the most exciting cards in a while.
Umm evosoda evolves the pokemon but adheres to normal evolution rules, Wally does not the distinction is necessary otherwise dusk stone would just look like a very specific evosoda. And an attack that evolves a pokemon is done in between turns so really it does follow the rules and if it didnt it would say so
This is as good a time as any to say:
Poor Lt. Surge