So then it looks like the Trainer section is:
164 Beast Bringer
Crunching Ice Pick
Devolution Spray Z
167 Dusk Stone
168 Dust Island
Electromagnetic Radar
170 Energy Spinner
Fairy Charm Ability
172 Fairy Charm L
Fire Crystal
174 Giovanni's Exile
175 Green's Search
177 Koga's Trap
178 Lt. Surge's Strategy
179 Fighting Dojo (looks like it'll be renamed "Martial Arts Dojo")
Metal Core Barrier
181 Molayne
PokeGear 3.0
?Abandoned Power Plant?
Red's Challenge
Samson Oak
Secret Hood
187 Surprise Box
188 Ultra Forest Kartenvoy
189 Welder
Triple Boost Energy
I don't know what they did with Fighting Dojo, since it's not called "Martial Arts Dojo" in the games, but it's clearly named "Dojo de Artes Marciales" in Spanish (and as best as I can tell, it's #179). Also looks like "Abandoned" Power Plant could be just Power Plant like what ended up happening in Aquapolis.