
Psychic Pokemon Master

Aspiring Trainer
Greetings. I hope I posted in the right sub-forum. XD Anyways, I need some opinions on the problems that I'm currently facing. Out of the 4 Platinum sets, I like Supreme Victors and P:Arceus the most(for some reason lol). However, I have no idea which one should I focus on buying because both have good Pokemon, Trainers and LV Xs. I find it VERY hard to decide! And I do not want to focus on two due to my low budget. So, which one should I focus on?

Also, is it worth getting a Rayquaza C LV X tin?

Thanks in advance... :)

P.S. You can suggest other set(s) though... :)
RE: Supreme Victors or Platinum:Arceus

SV isn't worth the money. It has very few usable cards compared to the Arceus set, which is filled with good LV.X, Trainers and Pokemon. Question answered.
RE: Supreme Victors or Platinum:Arceus

afstandopleren said:
SV isn't worth the money. It has very few usable cards compared to the Arceus set, which is filled with good LV.X, Trainers and Pokemon. Question answered.

Thanks for the reply but I still would like to get at least a few replies for the question. And take note of the other question regarding Rayquaza C LV X. Thanks... :)
Rayquaza C lv x is only worth getting if you're planning on making a deck with it and as afstandopleren said SV has few good cards in it so go for Arceus.
I would say, depending on the trainers you have right now, the original Platinum set is a worthwhile investment. All the Team Galactic Inventions seem somewhat hard to come by these days. At the same time, though, there aren't very many Pokemon worth having in that set. :/ If you plan on having an SP deck, these trainers are essential.

The Platinum sets seem to parallel the DP sets in the sense that, since this is the final one, the Pokemon are more powerful than they were at the beginning. Not to mention, I think people are mostly looking for trades from the Arceus set. If you open something good from the new set, you could probably get a pretty decent haul for it.

I'm not sure which you should get, but I just wanted to bring up some ideas for you to consider. :D Also, Rayquaza C is hard to pull off. Personally, I would buy Arceus, but that's assuming you have the trainer base to back up an SP deck, provided you want one.
I'd actually buy Platinum. Most of the good Sp staples are their, it has good meta decks, and is a solid set. They don't have too many junk rares either. PA and SV aren't very good.
Platinum or RR. They are the sets that have the BDIFs and I'd also consider getting these-
Stormfront, again very good decks in them.
Legends Awakened, staples and good if you want Palkia Lock.
Great Encounters-staples and yeah.
Secret Wonders-only if you want to play gardallade
Other than those every other set is below them at least IMO.

Rising Rivals is the best choice for me.

dmaster out.
RR is really good for trade bait and for many different decks. PA is good for the Arceus' and Lv.X's. The holos are nice too. PL is good for trainers and some techs. SV is good if you want to load up on Lv.X's or crap rares.
I'd go for either of the following.
Arceus (good cards in it and being the new set has cards with a lot of demand)
Rising Rivals (just some good cards you can trade in there)
Platinum (some staples and good trainers)
Stormfront (again, overall pretty good cards and some staples and good trainers)
Legends Awakened(great set, a lot of staples)
Great Encounters(if you can find it, good, has some hard-to-get staples like Rare Candy and Claydol, definitely buy if you're short on either of those two)

In the end I would choose Arceus, or GE or LA if you need certain staples, but the others I mentioned are still good.
I think it depends on what kind of cards you need. SV focuses more on SP pokemon while PA focuses more on Arceus and other pokemon. Truth be told while SV has a better Lv. X ratio, the amount of USABLE Lv. X's here are pretty low. Same could be said for PA but Gengar X, Sally X, and even the Arceus X's are in pretty high demand right now.

Out of those two I'd probably go for Arceus. Mainly because it's a new set and a lot of cards are pretty popular now AND some are actually kinda decent. If anything you'd get some pretty good tradebait. SV has some good cards but unfortunately has a lot of trash rares stuck in. If you need cards from this set I think it's better to buy singles online or trade for them because the ratio of good cards to bad cards is pretty low.

As far as tins go i think you're better off looking for the new Arceus Tin. I believe they even carry more packs + a random POP pack lol.
Thanks for the feedback. :) Out of the sets that were suggested, I will not buy SW, GE and SF anymore because I bought tons of packs last time. So, I already have all the cards or most of the cards. But still appreciate the opinions on it. :) For PL, I did manage to get a few of their trainers already, soo yeah. Will leave it for awhile. As for RR, SV and AR, I guess I would focus on AR for the time being. Need either a Gengar LV X, Tangrowth LV X or Salamence LV X. If I can get one of those, then most probably I will turn my attention to RR...

Thanks for the feedback again... :)
^yeah out of all the PL sets AR seems to be the best choice right now. They kind of get better the newer they are except SV was the worst and PL and RR are pretty much tied.
RE: Supreme Victors or Platinum:Arceus

afstandopleren said:
SV isn't worth the money. It has very few usable cards compared to the Arceus set, which is filled with good LV.X, Trainers and Pokemon. Question answered.

im sorry but im gonna have to agree with this guy, but dont buy a tin, you`ll get a promo, get a box.
RE: Supreme Victors or Platinum:Arceus

ArceusShayminLovr said:
im sorry but im gonna have to agree with this guy, but don't buy a tin, you`ll get a promo, get a box.

If only I could though. The price difference between a tin and box here is big. So, yeaah...
Well, think of it this way. Which kind of decks do you like best? Do you like SPs? Do you like locks? Do you like speed? Do you like evolutions? Do you like slow but powerful? It depends on YOUR play style.
If your looking for particular cards, buy singles. You can get them cheaper than packs or getting out of boxes.
I usually buy tins for storage of my deck and dice and what not. But Rayquaza Lv X is good trade bait and like 3-4 packs isn't too bad. Its really up to you though.