Wi-Fi Trades Unending_Chaos's Player Thread (Tons of Shinies for Trade and wanted!)


Aspiring Trainer
Hello! I am new here. Came from Nsider and Nsider2.


My Friend Code: 4811-3586-3137
Yahoo: [email protected]
Contact Time: Varies. Feel free to send a private message or post here and i'll get back to you ASAP.

Few Things. Pretty long list of Pokemon. I've been collecting shinies since D/P came out.

1. Please read everything Carefully!

2. Four different sections in here. "Tradeables", "May Trade", "Shiny Wants List", and "IV Pokemon Wants"

3. I do not accept hacks under any circumstances.

4. Only interested in Pokemon on my wants list. NOTHING ELSE.

5. If I don't respond in the thread, feel free to PM me.

6. My wants list is at the BOTTOM of the Post!

7. UT = Untouched. No EVs etc

Note: Pokemon with a (**) at the end are caught by me and are of course nicknameable.

Tradeables: (These are ALL Shiny).


Ponyta - Lvl 14 - Lonely - Male - UT

Magby - Lvl 22 - Modest - Male - UT

Growlithe - Lvl 2 - Naive - Female - UT (**)

Growlithe - Lvl - Adamant - Male - UT (**)


Floatzel - Lvl 40 - Lonely - Male - UT


Turtwig - Lvl 1 - Hasty - Male - UT (Japanese)


Bagon - Lvl 5 - Modest - Male - UT

Rayquaza - Lvl 70 - Lonely - UT


Eevee - Lvl 25 - Mild - Male - UT

Eevee - Lvl 18 - Quiet - Female - UT

Togepi - Lvl 18 - Careful - Female (Serene Grace) - UT (**)

Togepi - Lvl 18 - Calm - Male (Hustle) - UT (**)

Pidgey - Lvl 51 - Jolly (Likes to Run) - Male - UT (**)

Pidgey - Lvl 51 - Jolly (Often Dozes off) - Male - UT (**)

Pidgey - Lvl 51 - Rash - Male - UT (**)

Pidgey - Lvl 51 - Bold - Female - UT (**)

Swablu - Lvl 28 - Docile - Female - UT (**)

Swablu - Lvl 28 - Rash - Female - UT (**)

Bibarel - Lvl 16 - Calm - Male - UT (**)

Staravia - Lvl 16 - Naughty - Male - UT (**)

Ditto - Lvl 42 - Lax - Touched (No idea of EVs)


Shinx - Lvl 3 - Jolly - Female - UT (**)

Shinx - Lvl 3 - Careful - Female - UT (**)

Shinx - Lvl 3 - Naive - Male - UT (**)

Shinx - Lvl 3 - Quirky - Male - UT (**)

Shinx - Lvl 4 - Gentle - Female - UT

Elekid - Lvl 9 - Calm - Male - UT (**)


Ralts - Lvl 4 - Modest (Often Lost in Thought) - Female - UT (**)

Ralts - Lvl 4 - Modest (Capable of Taking Hits) - Female - UT (**)

Ralts - Lvl 4 - Careful - Female - UT (**)

Ralts - Lvl 4 - Hardy - Female - UT (**)

Ralts - Lvl 4 - Lonely - Male - UT (**)

Azelf - Lvl 50 - Hasty - UT


Riolu - Lvl 1 - Calm - UT

Rock / Ground:

Geodude - Lvl 7 - Hardy - Male - UT

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Adamant - Female - UT (**)

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Lax - Female - UT (**)

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Modest - Male - UT (**)

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Naive - Male - UT (**)

Diglett - Lvl 23 - Modest - Male - UT (Nickname: TAUPIQUEUR)

Steel / Poison:

None at the Moment. See my "May Trade List" list.

Ghost / Dark:

Gastly - Lvl 12 - Brave - Male - UT (**)

Duskull - Lvl 5 - Serious - Male - UT

Absol - Lvl 20 - Sassy - Female - UT (**)

Absol - Lvl 20 - Mild - Male - UT (**)

Absol - Lvl 20 - Hasty - Male - UT (**)

May Trade:(These Pokemon are all shiny as well and are more than likely not for trade. Unless you have Pokemon out of my wants that has an (!) by it!)


Charmander - Lvl 5 - Mild - Male - UT

Charmander - Lvl 1 - Modest - Male - UT

Torchic - Lvl 5 - Lax - Male - UT

Cyndaquil - Lvl 5 - Quirky - Male - UT

Magby - Lvl 22 - Modest (Better IVs than other) - Male - UT

Growlithe - Lvl 2 - Timid - Male - UT (**)

Growlithe - Lvl 2 - Adamant - Male - UT (**)

Houndour - Lvl 5 - Rash - Male - UT (**)


Squirtle - Lvl 1 - Careful - Male - UT

Squirtle - Lvl 1 - Adamant - Male - UT

Totodile - Lvl 1 - Docile - Male - UT

Mudkip - Lvl 1 - Docile - Male - UT

Seadra - Lvl 37 - Gentle - Male - UT

Horsea - Lvl 1 - Modest - Male - UT

Horsea - Lvl 18 - Timid - Male - UT

Spheal - Lvl 28 - Lax - Male - UT

Magikarp - Lvl 16 - Brave - Male - UT

Suicune - Lvl 70 - Hasty - UT (10JAHRE)

Manaphy - Lvl 1 - Careful - UT (Pokémon Ranger)


Bulbasaur - Lvl 1 - Bold - Male - UT

Bulbasaur - Lvl 18 - Bashful - Male - Touched (No idea EVs)

Treecko - Lvl 5 - Bashful - Male - UT

Turtwig - Lvl 1 - Jolly - Male - UT

Scyther - Lvl 52 - Hasty - Male - UT (Yes I know Scyther isn't grass, no other bug types)


Bagon - Lvl 6 - Jolly - Male - Slightly touched (No Idea EVs)

Bagon - Lvl 5 - Serious - Male - UT

Gible - Lvl 17 - Jolly - Male - Slightly Touched (No Idea EVs)

Gible - Lvl 15 - Impish - Male - UT

Dratini - Lvl 15 - Adamant - Male - UT

Dratini - Lvl 5 - Lonely - Male - UT

Giratina - Lvl 70 - Modest - UT

Dialga - Lvl 47 - Naive - Slightly Touched (No Idea EVs)

Latios - Lvl 50 - Calm - UT

Latias - Lvl 70 - Hardy - UT (10JAHRE)


Eevee - Lvl 1 - Modest - Male - UT

Eevee - Lvl 1 - Calm - Male - UT

Togepi - Lvl 1 - Quirky - Male - UT

Togepi - Lvl 18 - Modest - Male - UT

Togepi - Lvl 18 - Calm - Male - UT (**)

Starly - Lvl 3 - Hardy - Male - UT

Pidgey - Lvl 51 - Jolly (Better IVs than others) - Male - UT (**)

Pidgey - Lvl 51 - Quirky - Male - UT (**)

Chansey - Lvl 18 - Sassy - Female - UT

Swablu - Lvl 28 - Naive - Male - UT (**)


Shinx - Lvl 3 - Adamant - Male - UT (**)

Shinx - Lvl 3 - Brave - Male - UT (**)

Electrike - Lvl 7 - Jolly - Male - UT

Elekid - Lvl 9 - Adamant - Male - UT (**)

Pikachu - Lvl 70 - Quirky - Male - UT (10JAHRE)


Ralts - Lvl 4 - Adamant - Male - UT

Ralts - Lvl 4 - Modest - Male - UT (**)

Ralts Lvl 4 - Hasty - Male - UT (**)

Abra - Lvl 5 - Modest - Male - UT

Abra - Lvl 5 - Naughty - Male - UT

Wobbuffet - Lvl 27 - Relaxed - Male - Touched (No Idea EVs)


Riolu - Lvl 1 - Adamant - Male - UT

Riolu - Lvl 1 - Hardy - Male - UT

Rock / Ground:

Aerodactyl - Lvl 30 - Jolly - Male - UT

Rhyhorn - Lvl 36 - Docile - Male - UT

Kabuto - Lvl 20 - Hasty - Male - UT

Trapinch - Lvl 13 - Naughty - Male - UT

Gligar - Lvl 7 - Impish - Male - UT

Larvitar - Lvl 7 - Jolly - Male - UT

Cubone - Lvl 4 - Hasty - Male - UT

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Impish - Male - UT (**)

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Adamant - Male - UT (**)

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Careful (Likes to Run) - Male - UT (**)

Phanpy - Lvl 5 - Careful (Likes to Thrash About) - Male - UT (**)

Steel / Poison:

Shieldon - Lvl 20 - Careful - Male - UT

Beldum - Lvl 5 - Bold - UT

Aron - Lvl 11 - Adamant - Male - UT

Nidoran (M) - Lvl 3 - Jolly - Male - UT

Ekans - Lvl 6 - Hasty - Male - UT

Zubat - Lvl 9 - Brave - Male - UT

Ghost / Dark:

Gastly - Lvl 17 - Gentle - Male - UT

Sneasel - Lvl 34 - Docile - Male - UT

Sneasel - Lvl 49 - Jolly - Male - Touched (No Idea EVs)

Absol - Lvl 20 - Jolly (Likes to Fight) - Male - UT (**)

Absol - Lvl 20 - Jolly (Capable of Taking Hits) - Male - UT (**)

Shiny Wants List: (Only interested in these Pokemon, nothing else. MUST be shiny, untouched and the way I stated them)

Note: Pokemon here with a (!) at the end are my big wants and you may get just about anything from my Haves if you have one.


Charmander - Adamant/Jolly/Modest/Timid - Male (!)

Torchic - Jolly/Adamant/Naughty - Male

Houndour - Timid/Mild - Male (!)

Vulpix - Timid/Modest - Male

Ponyta - Adamant/Jolly - Male


Azurill - Adamant/Jolly - Male

Marill - Adamant/Jolly - Male

Squirtle - Adamant/Bold/Modest - Male (!)

Wailmer - Adamant/Careful - Male

Lotad - Calm/Modest - Male

Shellder - Bold/Relaxed - Male (!)

Piplup - Modest/Calm/Adamant - Male (!)

Totodile - Adamant/Jolly - Male (!)

Magikarp - Adamant/Jolly - Male

Clamperl - Modest/Timid/Adamant/Jolly - Male

Horsea - Modest/Adamant/Naughty - Male (!)

Lapras - Modest/Adamant - Male (!)

Feebas - Bold/Modest - Male (!)

Poliwag - Calm/Modest/Adamant/Jolly - Male

Slowpoke - Bold/Relaxed/Calm/Modest - Male (!)

Staryu - Timid/Modest/Bold (!)

Mudkip - Relaxed/Impish/Careful - Male (!)

Spheal - Bold/Impish/Relaxed/Careful - Male


Chikorita - Bold/Modest - Male

Budew - Timid/Modest - Male

Roselia - Timid/Modest - Male

Treecko - Timid/Modest/Jolly/Adamant - Male (!)

Tangela - Impish/Bold/Modest - Male

Turtwig - Impish/Adamant - Male (!)

Bulbasaur - Bold/Calm/Modest - Male (!)


Dratini - Jolly/Adamant - Male (!)

Bagon - Adamant/Modest/Mild/Rash - Male (!)

Gible - Adamant/Jolly - Male (!)


Happiny - Calm/Bold - Female

Chansey - Calm/Bold - Female

Eevee - Timid/Modest/Careful/Calm/Bold/Adamant/Jolly/Impish/Sassy - Male

Porygon - Timid/Modest

Togepi - Modest/Calm/Timid - Male - (Must Have Serene Grace ) (!)

Zangoose - Jolly/Adamant - Male


Mareep - Modest/Timid/Calm - Male

Magnemite - Modest/Mild/Timid

Electrike - Timid/Hasty - Male

Pichu - Timid/Modest - Male

Pikachu - Timid/Modest - Male


Abra - Timid/Modest - Male

Fighting / Bug / Ice:

Snorunt - Timid/Modest - Female

Snorunt - Adamant/Impish - Male

Heracross - Adamant/Jolly - Male

Swinub - Adamant/Naughty - Male

Nincada - Jolly - Male

Scyther - Adamant/Impish/Jolly - Male (!)

Yanma - Modest/Timid - Male (!)

Rock / Ground:

Cranidos - Adamant/Jolly - Male

Trapinch - Naughty/Jolly - Male (!)

Vibrava - Naughty/Jolly - Male (!)

Gligar - Impish/Jolly - Male (!)

Rhyhorn - Adamant/Impish/Jolly - Male

Rhydon - Adamant/Impish/Jolly - Male

Onix - Impish/Relaxed/Brave - Male

Larvitar - Adamant/Jolly/Quiet/Brave - Male

Steel / Poison:

Aron - Adamant - Male (!)

Shieldon - Sassy/Impish/Relaxed - Male

Anorith - Adamant/Impish/Jolly - Male

Bronzor - Relaxed/Sassy

Beldum - Adamant/Naughty (!)

Nidoran Male - Adamant/Jolly/Naughty (!)

Nidoran Female - Impish/Relaxed/Bold (!)

Seviper - Naughty/Adamant - Male

Skarmory - Impish/Jolly - Male

Ghost / Dark:

Duskull - Impish/Adamant/Bold - Male

Dusclops - Impish/Adamant/Bold - Male

Gastly - Timid/Modest - Male (!)

Sneasel - Jolly/Hasty - Male

IV Pokemon Wants: (No hacked parents or hacked Pokemon allowed, they will be checked out!. I will allow Fast Hatch and IV checker if you have them).

Note: Trading pretty big for these Charmanders. These are my offers.

1. You Trade: 2 IV Breds with no Egg Moves.
You Get: Pick any 2 shinies off any of my haves lists!

2. You Trade: 2 IV Breds, with both Egg Moves.
You Get: Pick any 3 shinies off any of my haves lists!

IV order: HP/Atk/Def/Sp. Atk/Sp. Def/Speed

Egg Moves: Fire Punch and Belly Drum

1. Charmander - Female - Jolly - 30+/31/x/x/x/31

AND (one of these next 3)

1. Charmander - Male - Any Nature - 30+/31/x/x/x/31

2. Ditto - Any Nature - 30+/31/x/x/x/31

3. Pokémon in Charmanders Egg Group - Male - Any Nature - 30+/31/x/x/x/31

Dittos WANTED:(MUST Be Untouched)

Ditto - Jolly - x/31/x/x/x/31

Ditto - Timid - x/x/x/31/x/31

Ditto - Impish - 31/x/31/x/x/x
You don't have good haves besides the fact that they are shiny. Would you consider changing some of your wants or atleast adding some non-shiny? I am interested in you Charmander, Shinx, and Togepi.
Flight: No thanks on those.

Sheimi: I am only interested in other Shinies or IV breds. My wanted IV bred section will be updated soon. I have no need for anything else.

Charizard88- No IV breds yet. Just been collecting shinies mainly.
SheimiGiratina said:
Ok, I will find some shinies.

OK :). Just make sure they are the way my wants state them. And non-hacked of course.

Also since i'm new here. How does one find a good breeder? Or do I have to look through everyones threads?
Well...so to say. I am probaly the best IV breeder around any more in the Pokebeach trading Corner. Why you ask?
I am an awesome breeder, but I don't do IVs yet. It is gonna take me a while to find the shinies you are looking for.
SheimiGiratina said:
I am an awesome breeder, but I don't do IVs yet. It is gonna take me a while to find the shinies you are looking for.

Yes, I mean breeders for IVs. I have every Pokemon, minus Arceus, Darkrai, Shaymin. So I don't need non-competitive

I have parents preped and ready to breed with as I was planning to breed for Belly Zard after my SR project of Heatran! So once I finish that project I will Do the Zard for you. BEWARE it may come out better then you expect. :D

P.S. Follow the link to the Solceon Society in my sig...were AWESOME breeders there. :D
Charizard88 said:

I have parents preped and ready to breed with as I was planning to breed for Belly Zard after my SR project of Heatran! So once I finish that project I will Do the Zard for you. BEWARE it may come out better then you expect. :D

P.S. Follow the link to the Solceon Society in my sig...were AWESOME breeders there. :D

Sure, just let me know when you start it. Also just remember I need a Jolly female, and a male of any nature. Same IVs

Check my shinies (Pick 3 if you have BOTH Fire Punch and Belly Drum) or 2 if you're just doing the IVs.
I am not giving you the pokes. I am breeding it and NOT giving you the parents. Just the final project.
SheimiGiratina said:
How are you finding all these shinies?

I chain, a lot. Those 2 I got while EV training. I use Bibarel for attack and Staravia for speed. Since they are a common pokemon, it's easy to not even try and get to a chain of 40.
But it must be hard to chain shinies. I would try, but I am looking for shiny Charmander right now.