Pokemon Unexplained bout Poke'mon?


Aspiring Trainer
1) Since it is not explained in the series on how a pokemon gets captured ( and sucked up ) in a pokeball, What is your own explanation on this?

my opinion:
"As a pokeball makes contact with a pokemon ( or possibly any life-form...iunno, y not? :p ), the ball injects some kind of laser sumtin in the pokemon which reduces the pokemon into small, light-like, molecular thing..and then the ball sucks up all the scrambled molecules of the pokemon near it....hmm...thats all i got :D

2) When Ash or any other trainer want to return their pokemon into the pokeball, we see that the ball emits a laser which then hits the pokemon of the respective pokeball and recaptures it. So, How does "the pokeball" know which pokemon to return into itself? ( itself = pokeball ) I mean....the trainer is the one who aims for their pokemon then the ball releases a laser thing, yes yes, BUT they cant use that on any other pokemon right? the pokeball laser thing only responds to the pokemon which it encases...so how does the ball know that the pokemon it is shooting its laser to is the "right" pokemon?( am i clear???!? i hope you get my point )

my opinion:
"the pokemon, that gets captured by a certain pokeball, leaves some kind of dna…"

3) How does a pokemon "light up" when evolving? Where is all that light energy coming from? What will a pokemon look like while in the process of evolution ( w/out the light)?

pretty weird....hehe anyway, i guess thats all so far that seems to be unexplained in the series... What can you guys say?
I think that when the trainer throws the pokeball and hits the pokemon, the ball sort of regesters the pokemon to the ball, and beams them up in a liquid form.
minimizing, the Pokémon technology enables you to transport something by decomposing them into molecules (check the gulpin episode). But also making them smaller (or bigger, gulpin ep again). The also explains why the buildings seem to grow when you enter them in the GBA games (and a little in the anime too actually :S).
beowolf said:
BUT they cant use that on any other pokemon right? the pokeball laser thing only responds to the pokemon which it encases...
WRONG.that was proven wrong,please correct me if i made a mistake here,but mime jr captured itself in CHIMECO's pokeball.i think the pokeball breaks the pokemon into a formula,so when sent out it rebuilds itself.so the pokeball kind of like,in a way,"breaks the pokemon up".mabye all that light energy when evolving is like a blockade,and when it is a high enough level(strong enough)(or with use of special items),the pokemon can break through that blockade achieving evolution.the blockade may contain certain bits of the pokemon,and when evolving it takes that long because it is,adding to itself and removing parts of it.i think that explains most.
oh...i haven't seen that episode, that season isn't airing here in the country yet
One of my ideas is that when a pokemon goes into a ball, only the soul of the pokemon is inside. The physical body of the pokemon is only present when they are outside the pokeball.
But I also think that maybe the pokemon gets minimised when going into the ball. This would explain why they are called POCKET monsters.
Pokéball: A device, once thrown, will register itself into a nearest Pokémon. It will record the Pokémon's DNA, then convert it's physical form into information. Then, once it is thrown, it will activate itself, then convert the Pokemon's data into its physical form. When a Trainer wants to return his'her Pokemon back to the Pokeball, a laser is emitted, and if it senses the recorded DNA, it will convert the Pokemon back to data.
hmm...if the trainers can release some kind of laser from the pokeball to return their pokemon into it, y cant they just use the same thing on capturing pokemon? that i cant understand.
Perhaps the pokeball knows when it has caught a pokemon and if you are calling a pokemon back the laser fires out. But maybe if a pokemon has not been caught in it a laser does not fire out. So the trainer has to throw it at the wild pokemon and when it hits the pokemon it causes the ball to open and hopefully trap the pokemon inside. The pokeball must also have some technology to make sure it catches pokemon and not other objects such as rocks. Like a senser.
I've been wondering about the Pokeball. What's inside it as well? :/;/

Lol injects the Pokemon. That doesn't sound unpleasant.

Arcanine out.
The Pokémon is still inside the Pokéball, it's not there as data (check the Psyduck ep)

As for the laser, if a pokéball captures a Pokémon, it remembers its DNA code. If the trainer moves the pokéball to retreat the Pokémon, the Pokéball searches the pokémon and minimizes it again.
Yes, it doesn't not work, that's why Ash couldn't retreat his snorlax in that one ep. A Pokémon seems to be connected with a Pokéball, the Pokéball leaves something in the Pokémon that only enables it to be inside that particular ball (only snag balls are unaffected by this)
the pokeball uses a technology that is beyond our imagination, knowledge and reality.