• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

United States

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Few Rules

1. Right now since im new im only shipping to U.S only
2. Pokebeach rules apply
3. No ripping
4. No spamming
5. If its not dealing with a trade between us please do not post here unless your a MOD
6. Theres no such thing as a stupid offer, so please offer all
7. Lets all have fun
8. Lower ref sends first
9. If you have alot of negative/neutral refs then your sending first



1x jirachi ex
1x dialga ex
1x iris fa
1x master ball (ace)
1x g scoop (ace)
1x g booster (ace)
1x scoop up cyclone (ace)
1x rare candy (sr)
1x kyurem ex (plsb)


Plasma blast:

3x cradily
3x suicune (1xrh)
4x carracosta (1xrh)
2x salamance (2x holo)
3x haxorus (1x rh)(2x holo)
4x volcarona (1xrh)
5x froslass (2xrh)
2x porygon-z (1xrh)(1xholo)
5x accelgor (1xrh)
4x sigilyph (1xrh)(3xholo)
4x reunicles
4x escavalier (1x rh)
5x uxie
3x mesprit (1xrh)(2xholo)
4x azelf
4x golurk (1xrh)(3xholo)
4x genesect
2x archeops (2xholo)
6x drifblim (2xrh)
2x machamp (50/101)
1x machamp (ability)(1xholo)
3x houndoom (3xholo)
4x aggron (1xrh)
3x blastoise (1xrh)(2xholo)
2x elektross (1xrh)(1xholo)
5x masquerain (1x rh)

Plasma freeze:

1x infernape (1xholo)
1x liepard (1xrh)
1x magnezone (1xholo)


1x deoxys (pop 4)
1x latios ex (df)
1x dark tyranitar (rockets return)
1x rockets sneasel (best promo)
1x mew (movie promo)(holo)
1x magnium ex (poor)
1x rayquaza ex (poor)
1x typhlosion ex (poor)
1x dark tyranitar (rockets return)(19)
1x feraligatr ex (poor)
1x ho-oh ex (pop 3)(poor)


9x pokemon catcher
8x juniper (1xrh)
7x iris (1xrh)
5x cover fossil (1xrh)
5x plume fossil
5x root fossil lileep
6x silver bangle (2xrh)
15x reversal triggers (2xrh)
7x energy retrival (1xrh)
9x rare candy (1xrh)
10x silver mirror (2xrh)
8x caitlin (1xrh)
6x ultra ball
14x plasma energy (1xrh)


1x genesect elite box (dice/randomizer)(sealed)
1x genesect elite box (genesect sleeves/purple)(sealed)
1x plasma freeze elite box (dice/ no randomizer)(used)
2x red ultra pro deck boxes
1x purple ultra pro deck box
1x water land magic the gathering deck box (used)
1x jumbo mewtwo ex card
82x code cards (un-used)
XXxx-bulk for trade (if anyone is interested)


Meta game staples
Old Exs/Lv.Xs
Sleeves (sealed/un-used)
Deck boxes
Booster boxes/packs
XXxx- random offers

When you put vague wants rather than specific ones, you're going
to get people to say cml. that said, I really want your rev bangles
and rev suicune. Cml and let me know what you're interested in so I
can make an offer.
What grant said is true. I understand you're interested in our offers, but you should check lists. So, that said. CML for Plasma blast sleeves, and dice. (Plasma storm and Plasma blast)
Hey perhaps we can trade.

ND promo Zekrom EX
ND reshiram EX
BW FA reshiram
promo FA landorus
dragon set- secret ultra rare holo charmander w cities stamp
BC promo keldeo EX
PF latios EX
PF tornadus EX
ace spec dowsing machine
see my thread for other cards, shirts, figures, etc
also have code cards if you like those

shiny rare candy
FA iris
jirachi EX
dialga EX
Very interested in trading for your Shiny Rare Candy. Please check my list and let me know what you're interested in. I hope we can work something out.
Jay said:
May I request an image of the Mew Movie Promo?

Salamencetrainer34 said:
What grant said is true. I understand you're interested in our offers, but you should check lists. So, that said. CML for Plasma blast sleeves, and dice. (Plasma storm and Plasma blast)

Interested in the following

Computer search
2x bouffalant ( goldbraker )
Thunderus ex fa
4x plasma balls
3x colress machine
2x shadow triaid

Binx345 said:
Hey perhaps we can trade.

ND promo Zekrom EX
ND reshiram EX
BW FA reshiram
promo FA landorus
dragon set- secret ultra rare holo charmander w cities stamp
BC promo keldeo EX
PF latios EX
PF tornadus EX
ace spec dowsing machine
see my thread for other cards, shirts, figures, etc
also have code cards if you like those

shiny rare candy
FA iris
jirachi EX
dialga EX

Mainly looking for fa keldeo ex, i jus finally fixed my wants but i might be intetested in the dowsing machine

Vulpix Yolk said:
Very interested in trading for your Shiny Rare Candy. Please check my list and let me know what you're interested in. I hope we can work something out.

Im interested in the following

Thunderus ex fa
Keldeo ex fa
Genesect ex
2x keldeo ex pr (not a main want)
Plasma kyurem

Ice said:
CML for...

Secret Rare Rare Candy
Iris FA
8 Juniper

Im interested in the following

Keldeo ex fa
Chansey ex (condition.please)
Mew star (condition please)
Scramble switch
4x blend energy (w,e,m,f)
2x float stone

Jay said:
May I request an image of the Mew Movie Promo?

Inbox me your email or phn # and i can send it
Mew Star (A little whitening in every corner)
FA Iris
Gold Rare Candy
3 Juniper?
Sorry if my values are rough.
Ice said:
Mew Star (A little whitening in every corner)
FA Iris
Gold Rare Candy
3 Juniper?
Sorry if my values are rough.

Sorry no thanks trainer but thanks for offering
I can offer my FA Mew-EX (Around 30$) + 10 dollar card for your Gold Candy. Also interested in Iris FA.
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