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Unlimited Raichu/Eelektrik Idea


Aspiring Trainer
I just stumbled upon a few Eelektik's and noticed their fine Poke-Power. I'm thinking that it could go nicely with Raichu's (HGSS) Thundershock. Seeing it only costs two energies and a retreat cost of 0 I figured I could try and rotate 2 or more Raichu's as my active. I can lay one energy down per turn, and another with Eelektik's Poke-Power to constantly hit for 100. Another Eelektrik out there would allow me to spend energy elsewhere as well. The question is; where? I don't know what else to put in this deck, or what trainers I want/should use exactly. I do know that I definitely cannot afford any Zekrom's, and have only one Thundurus. Basically, I'm looking for some cheap to fill in any needed Pokemon spots. This deck is intended to be played only ever with my friends and is based around an unlimited mindset. So anything goes as we are not competitive players by any means.

Basically, what other Pokemon should I put in here? What is a good trainer setup?

So far I'm thinking:
4-4 Raichu
3-3/4-4 Eelektrik (Maybe throw some Eelektross in there, too?)

Pokemon Collector
Bebe's Research
Celio's Network
Engineer's Adjustments
and maybe something crafty like Gust of Wind

Also, I'm fairly confident I'll never face a Reshirem, Zekrom, Yanmega... yeah the popular powerhouse decks.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
I would actually go with raichu prime. That 120 damage is enough to knock out a more wide variety of pokemon, even in unlimited. (If you ever want to go to a tourney, this deck could work in modified)
I am thinking about getting up to 2 of them (budget won't allow me to buy more), mainly because of the extra damage and HP. Should I pick up 3 more Thundurus' and put them in there for higher HP pokes?
You need to run one Raichu lvl X. With him you have the chance to snipe two pokemon for 80 in one turn. So you should run 4 of the HGSS Promo Pikachus, 2 Raichu Prime, 1 Raichu lvl X, and a 4th raichu that you seem fit. I like this Raichu as an easy to get out back up attacker. You should also run a stadium in this deck. Either Conductive Quarry or Sunyshore City Gym will work very nicely in this deck. Do not use Eelektross in this deck (he's bad IMO).
Thanks for the suggestions, Sleeping Snorlax. I think I'll get the 2 Raichu Primes for now along with the SF one you provided. I'll probably have to wait a bit to get that lvl X Raichu until my budget permits, but I'll definitely try to pick it up for a double snipe option. Also, I was kind of lost on what Pikachu to get as well so thanks for clearing that up. May I ask why it is that you don't like Eelektrik? Just curious.
I like eelektrik. Just not eelektross. His attack is only so so. Your main focus for the deck should be getting two eelektrik out and attacking with raichu. You may wanna look into getting Pokemon rescues and palmers contribution for recovery.
Oops, I misread your post! I agree with what you're saying, and I think I'll just leave Eelektross out. As far as Thundurus' go, should I run them? If so, how many?
Thundurus is good in the early game too. It can do a fast 80 and discard for Eelektrik to use later. I'd say run 2-3 if you aren't running anything else for a starter, which may be alright given you run all stage 1s.