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Unlimited (Shiftry, Houndoom)


Aspiring Trainer
-1 Darkrai (Great Encounters)
-1 Darkrai Lvl X
-2 Houndour
-2 Houndoom Prime
-3 Seedot (Rising Rivals)
-1 Nuzleaf
-2 Shiftry (Rising Rivals)
-3 Carvanha (Triumphant)
-2 Sharpedo (Triumphant)
-1 Sableye (D&P Stormfront)
-1 Zorua
-1 Zoroark

-4 Bebe's Search
-4 Energy Search
-3 Rare Candy
-3 Poke Balls
-2 Prof. Oak's New Theory
-2 Prof. Elm's New Theory
-2 Interviewer's Questions
-1 Expert Belt
-1 Life Herb
-1 Luxury Ball
-1 Dual Ball
-1 Emcee's Chatter

-4 Darkness Energies
-11 Dark Energies

I only run one type because I play with a group of 14 friends so we don't play in weakness and resistance. I am just wondering what tweaks to this deck would be beneficial to me. I have not tried this yet, but intend to when I can obtain all of the cards. I dont mind criticism, and I was just curious if Shifty and Houndoom prime is a valid strategy.
RE: Masters: Unlimited (Shiftry, Houndoom)

Shiny Shinx said:
Strategy is...?


Well the plan was to use the prime Houndoom's Fire Breath and burn the opponent's active Pokemon, and use the poke-power in correlation with shiftry's poke-body that forces the opponent to always flip tails. This way the opponent is either forced to retreat, or they will receive constant damage from both the condition and shiftry's decent attacks.
RE: Masters: Unlimited (Shiftry, Houndoom)

I've ran this deck, and it doesn't work like that. Poison, sleep and burn all take their effects between turns, in other words, you flip for both sleep and burn between turns. Shiftry's poke-body only is active during your opponents actual turn. So, it is possible for them not be damaged by burn and for them to wake up.

The better strategy with Shiftry is to run 4 memory berry and use Nuzlock (stage 1)'s attack Blind, which prevents the defending pokemon from attacking. Add this together with some special dark and you are hitting for a whopping 20-40 damage a turn. Yes, it is really slow and annoying, but you just kind of wall off your opponent. Then you can add in some techs like hypno (hgss) to try to keep them asleep and in the active position or magmortar (md I think) to burn/confuse when you level him up on the bench. If you can confuse them, then you are free to hit with a harder hitting ability with Shiftry because they will automatically flip tails from the confuse and do 30damage to themselves. Another (and very unnecessary) tech is drapion lvX. Tri-poison helps your low damage every turn and if they are asleep they can't get out of it without burning a switch, which they will do.

It is a really annoying deck, but can be fun if you play with the right attitude. However, your idea does not work. If you want to play Shiftry, try the memory berry lock strategy.
RE: Masters: Unlimited (Shiftry, Houndoom)

Well that is definitely good to know, I suppose the only thing i can really do is to put in 4 judges somewhere so that i can confuse as often as possible using the effect of the conform attack. I could also use shifty as a decent stall Pokemon while i use a combo like Dark Dragonite and maybe Tyranitar prime.
RE: Masters: Unlimited (Shiftry, Houndoom)

If you are going to run Shiftry, run him by itself. A stage 2 is normally not a very good "stall". If you like the card (and are just playing for fun, which you are) you should run a Shiftry deck. Memory Berry's are getting rotated soon so they will drop in price, pick up 4 of those and run Shift-lock. It is really annoying and can set up really fast!