Unofficial CoTW: Absol ex PK

it looks like its traveling through CCloud's sig, but luckily for us we don't have 2 see it coz it goes so fast. j/k ....NOT!
Really it isn't that good. It's Pokepower can only be used once per Absol EX and it's attack is too weak. The only thing it really has is a base 100 HP which is decent, I guess. It's just kind of a let down to me since the Pokemon is cool.

Arcanine out.
eh use it with shiftry ex/ and LM's and super scoop ups
and maybe even a 2-1-2 Pidgeot Pop 3
other than that, its uses are limited
Dark pokes really need a good poke to get them rolling again and to kill boom. Absol ex, however, isn't that poke. 100 hp is good for a basic ex (but then again, lunasol hits 100 often, so its nothing spectatular). Its power...its useless. Moving 3 damage from 1 poke to another is really bad (unless you can ko it), so I don't see it's power ever being a factor (espcially since its a coming-into-play one. If it wasn't, I could see some uses). Its 30 for 2 is below par, espically for an ex. Its effect, pretty much useless early game and absol shouldn't be attacking late game anyways. Its bottom stats are good, I guess. But over-all, shiftry is the only dark poke that can keep up darks power (umbry ex is just tech and
Ummmmm...... it is darkness type and resistant to psychic..... so.... why is its attack called Psychic Pulse????
Cause Flygon ex has the same attack and he (Flygon ex) came first. ;)