Unown Lv. X

Guardian of Aura

The Aura Is With Me
Well I had a neat idea, so I sat down and made it. It's an Unown Lv. X! It can level up from any single Unown. Any constructive criticism is welcomed.

I think that's cool--couple things though.
The poke-power, Unown: Maybe there should be a catch, like there must be another unown in play to use it or something, searching your deck for an unown seems too easy. You might also want to change to: search deck or discard pile.

The attack: It would probably be better to something like this, though it is totally your call and i might be wrong:

Hidden power 40
Flip a coin for each energy attached to the defending pokemon. For each heads, this attack does 20 more damage. For each Tails, this attack does 10 less damage.

Again, your call, but this could i think make it better.
Thanks for the replies!
I wasn't quite sure what to put for a retreat cost, at first it was 2, but then i read Unown W and thought, well 3 would work I guess, considering it is all the Unowns :p.
I also wasn't sure if I should have a catch for the Poke-Body, but I figured that most Unowns are not very strong, this would work.
For the attack, I really liked my Idea, having your opponent try hold of on using energies. Your idea is good also.
Its power is pretty bad. Its basically unown C without the coin flip. The attack needs to say 60+ instead of 60.
I like it, just a few things though:

1) So let's just say in some parallel universe, all of our Lv. X cards came to life, including this one. You said it can level up from ANY unown. So what would be the limit on Lv. X's and Unowns in a deck? Since Unown X is still the same as Unown and you can't have more than 4 copies of one card.

2) I think the attack should be it does 60 + 10 for each unknown on your bench. That way, it has synergy with it's PokePower. But 110 for 2 energies is a bit broken. So you should make the Poke-Power a coin flip. something like:

"Once during your turn (before you attack) you may flip a coin. If heads, search your deck or discard pile for any unown and put it onto your bench. You can't use this power if this Pokemon is affected by a special condition. You can't use more than 1 Unown Poke-Power each turn.
Yea I will, for the main font, I used Humanist, and for other things, such as hp, weakness, illus., and so on I used Gills.