At first I hated Dugtrio. it's just three Diglett in the same hole! Most multi-head pokemon make sense: 3 Magnemite because of magnetism, 2 Vanillish because of double-scoop ice cream, and 4 gears on Klinklang because more gears create a more complex object. However, I couldn't make any sense out of Dugtrio. Do moles share a dwelling underground? However, as with every Pokemon, Dugtrio has an origin defining why it was created. But the origin does not involve moles, it involves rats! Naked mole rats, that is. Naked mole rats will often climb on each other to get out of deep holes. That explains why each Diglett is a different height. The shortest on is on the bottom, and the tallest one is on the top!
Pokemon origin stories: making the most silly designs seem like a stroke of genius.
Pokemon origin stories: making the most silly designs seem like a stroke of genius.
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