Until Death do us Part (Fan-fic)

Do you think Ash and Dawn make a cute couple ?

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Yes, but my point being, THEY'RE TOO YOUNG TO BE MARRIED. (sorry for caps). Ash is 13, Dawn is 10, if its not forced marriage (Like in other foreign countries), you have to be AT LEAST 17.

Aside from that, good story. Romantic, and short, but pretty good. 7.8/10.
I meant the chapter's are short. Not the story (I HOPE its not finished! It would be WAY too short! :F)
Chapter 6

Dawn still had dreams of winning more Grand Festivals and traveled through Kanto twice, winning the Grand Festival both years. But soon, Dawn was feeling under the weather. Curious, Ash and Dawn went to the hospital and the docotr said that she was going to have a babby. Dawn then faints on the bed. As she wakes up, the doctor calmly told her what happened and how long until she was supposed to come back

"A baby ? But why ?" Dawn questioned
"I have no idea, dear, but at least it will give us something to do" Ash replied
"This can't be happening, I'm only 13 !" Dawn whined
"Well, at least you can finally live that dream of handing out Pokemon to our new baby then" Ash replied

And so, a few months later, Ash rushed Dawn to the hospital. They had not, one, not two, but three babies ! Which made life even harder for them
"Triplets ?" Dawn said
"Yes, I don't know why, but you have triplets now !" the doctor said. And then several months later, Prof. Oak retired from the Lab and gave it to Dawn
"Wha ? You the Professor now ?"Ash questioned
"Yeah, you have to call me Prof. Ketchum now !" Dawn replied

END Chapter 6
cool but WTF first she maries when shes10 years old then she gets a triplet when she's 13 or 14 years old and then she's the proffesor okay it's a fan fic but this is serious overdoing

for the rest interesting
So, gotta a problem with that ? But, she doesn't have another baby til 10 years later...and she becomes the Gym Leader In Viridian City during that span...