Unusual Card Play in the TCG

RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

I once Computer Searched for a Skyla.

I was going to win that turn either way. :p
RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

I made a deck that had Cherrim SF as a main attacker once.
I donked a Piplup with a Voltorb.
I've used Mewtwo EX's Psydrive for a ko and they didn't see it coming. They always forget that attack exists.
I tend to run one grass energy for using Synthesis (with a prism) when I start with Shaymin EX.

I'm sure there's plenty more that I'm forgetting about.

Oh yeah. My opponent has a full HP Donphan Prime. I send up a Red Gyarados HGSS and attach an energy. I play two pluspowers and flip heads to one-shot the Donphan.
RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

Oh... I've used Hydreigons attack to discard my last 2 legit dark energies... I still won lol, cuz the other 2 were prisms. It was a funny game.
RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

T1 Durant vs Cleffa, attach an Energy to Durant and Devour
T2 Opponents Eeeeek's... and wakes up
T3 I attach another energy to Durant and kill her Cleffa with Vice Grip >:^D
RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

Martini said:
Oh... I've used Hydreigons attack to discard my last 2 legit dark energies... I still won lol, cuz the other 2 were prisms. It was a funny game.

How were you attacking with Hydreigon with 2 prisms and 2 darks...? Prism doesn't work on evolved pokemon.
RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

it might have been nv hydreigon his ability makes it so all energy on him is dark
RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

I onced Donked a Cleffa with EP Minccino's Last Resort... during a tournament!

Also offensive Eelektrik is boss.
RE: Unorthodox uses of cards

I just remembered the time I tried out my Toxicroak deck. I ended up using the poison attack on an opponents Dustox. 60 * 2 for weakness + 10 from poison = just enough to take it out.

And then there as the time I stalled for 8 turns with Gotherita's hypnoblast. Good times.
Got donked by a Smeargle at Nats, then later in the tourney KOed Tom Dozeal's Eviolited Darkrai with 2 heads on Tail Rap. Oh Tom, our matches are always so entertaining... :p
One time, last format, I was testing Feraligatr/Kyurem on PlayTCG. I went first with kyurem active and totodile benched. He had cleffa active and 2 tynamo (30 HP) benched. I went first, attached, and passed. He collectored for 2 tynamos (30 HP lolwut) and a tyrogue, benched them, eeeeeked, and woke up. My turn, draw, rare candy to feraligatr, attach 2 waters to kyurem with Feraligatrs pokepower, and glaciated to take 6 prizes and bench him in one turn.
During a Cities last format
I am playing MagEel and losing terribly to VVV.
I promote Magnemite and hit 4 thundershocks in a row, doing 80.
Then I KO Vanilluxe with Eelektrik.
Good stuff.
One funny one I can remember from a recent cities was I was playing Darkrai against a Darkrai Dusknoir deck. He starts duskull, I go first starting Sableye. I draw, attach, computer Search for Dark Claw, gg.
I remember when I tried dusknoir. The whole deck was based on using unusal cards to add cheap damage and get your moneys worth. The main stars were minun (spread) and starmie (50 for 1). Since I was using minun, I teched in a plusle for extra draw support. It ended up winning me the game... with positve ion. I needed just 30 damage to take out the active EX and get my two prizes. It came down to a coin flip and heads, I win.

Also, sableye darkclaw isn't bad. It's nothing to built a deck around, but since you're using the cards anyway, the fact that you have that option makes the deck all the better. Just like sableye, confuse ray isn't great, but it doesn't make junk hunt any worse. If you're in a situation where you're ten damage away from a KO or need to confuse to by sometime, sableye can serve that purpose.