Finished Up, Side, Down

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^ Is incorrect. I have stuff to do, as I said, so I'm not bored.
< Has finished drawing an Emboar (which was some of the work mentioned)
v Is going to see my Emboar by clicking here:
^Is correct
<Just realized he had 24 DA notifications
vIs also enjoying Vortex's Emboar
^Is the most correct person on this forum
<Is getting beat by my best friend
v Likes Pokemon
^sadly is incorrect
<WANTS a 3DS and has no shinies (you must be lucky to get atleast 1 shiny)
vhad there flashplayer crash when they were watching the 6 hour version of nyan cat (IT HAPPENED TO ME!!! LAWL!)
^is right
< knows that you cross a word out by using this code: [s ]your text here[/s ] without the spaces in the brackets.
V already knew that.
^Is wrong, and doesn't really care
<just got done eating yummy donuts.
vLikes yummy donuts also
^WRONG, and that answer will never change
<Wants donuts for dinner everyday
vWill pm me a cool pic of a chocolate donut
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