Finished Up, Side, Down

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^ Can't be hit through the internet
< Thinks a lot of the PBR pronounciations are wrong (lol archeus)
v Doesn't own PBR
^ Is correct. But I've played it loads elsewhere and have rented it before.
< Wants a BW PBR that is a reasonable price.
v Thinks that PBR should have had a big price drop, but it didn't.
^I already have it. So I don't care. :>
<Wants to post PA2G as soon as possible.
v You're a deeemon. >:C
sonicyellow said:
^ Can't be hit through the internet
< Thinks a lot of the PBR pronounciations are wrong (lol archeus)

A. * e-hits you *
B. What about : Dusk - no - are (I think that's how he says it)?
^ Owch.
< Pronounces Dusknoir the way that was stated above. (Also It's just Dusk-Noir/Noire (I'm in Canada, so french is mine :3)) Also, is going to sleep now.
v Will post after me.
^ Is correct. I love the phrases.
< It can't take it! It's down!
v *insert user here* starts to attack!
^ Is correct.
< Is amazed that nobody's posted for four days. *bump*
v Uses someone else's creation in their avatar.
^Has the misfortune of having already started school.
<Is enjoying his last week of summer vacation.
vIs allergic to bees.
^ Is incorrect. Alkalis are friendly. :)
< Knows that Earthbound and Mother are the games with Lucas and Ness
v Still doesn't understand it
^Cares about Lucas and Ness.
<Doesn't know what he isn't supposed to understand.
vOwns a rodent.

Please follow the YPPY game rule, thanks. ~Afro-G
^Is wayyy wrong,
< If he was, would be kicked out of the house.
V Would also be kicked out for being a rodent.
^ Name implies the same same think twice. (Shadow=Darkness)
< Is a bit tired of how everyone wants to be a dark character. He also wants to hate Darkrai for how everyone loves it...but it's design is just too good.
v Hello, person on my Buddy List.
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