Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Activities and Events


Aspiring Trainer
Advanced Member
Upcoming TCG Tournaments and Activities

One of the main areas PB could improve in is communication between moderators and members. So, I created this thread. When a moderator is working a project for the TCG, they can post it in this thread. Then, members can discuss things relating to that project, such as suggestions or concerns with it. If you do have any suggestions on how to improve the project, you are encouraged to post these in the thread. If you have an idea for a new activity, it can post it here too. To better organize this thread, there are a few things to be aware of.

Thread Guidelines:

1. Do not post in bold. Bold is reserved for when moderators are posting a new topic.

2. There are usually multiple upcoming events and activities. So, please put the name of the activity you are discussing underlined at the top of your post. Hopefully, this will keep some order in the thread.

3. Exception to rule #1: This thread can also be used as a sort of dropbox for suggestions about current activities. If you have a suggestion for an activity that is already active, put the name of the activity in bold or underlined at the top of your post to keep the thread organized.

4. Be respectful when providing suggestions or discussing activities, always use proper spelling and grammar, etc.

You Can Tell That There is a New Upcoming Activity When:

A. When a moderator posts a new activity, they will make their entire post in bold. If you just scroll through the thread, the new activities should stand out.
... or
B. When a particularly important or exciting activity is coming up, the thread's title will be edited to get everybody's attention.

Disclaimer- Moderators are not required to post things they are working on in this thread. Just because an activity is not posted in this thread does not mean it isn't being worked on or doesn't exist.

So, have fun, be nice, and please post any suggestions or comments you have regarding activities posted.
RE: Upcoming TCG Tournaments and Activities

I'm currently working on a project that has the potential to completely change the entire TCG section of the forums for the better. It will be called Grains of Sand.

Whenever a member makes a particularly useful, intelligent, and helpful post that has to do with the competitive Pokemon TCG, it will contribute to their Grains of Sand collection. Myself, Zero, Gale, and Gliscor have volunteered to help out with judging which posts deserve this award. The points will be reset on a monthly basis to make this system more inviting to new members. However, we will also keep a collection of total points.

There aren't any prizes yet. However, you get bragging rights! You can put in your signature how many grains of sand you have, and then people will know the advice you give is credible. People will look at your total and think, "Wow! That person must be really good at the TCG!"

Most of the posts we award will probably be in the Competitive Collective. Trading Corner posts will not be eligible for this award. To give everybody an idea of how hard it will be to earn these, one in every 75 to 100 posts will most likely get this award. I don't like putting a number on it though; if every post ever made in the forums is amazing and perfect, then every post will be awarded.

The idea behind this is to encourage members to make more thoughtful, helpful, and polite posts. It will hopefully reduce spam and create a better environment on the website.

Thoughts? Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Concerns?
RE: Upcoming TCG Tournaments and Activities

I like this idea.

Members that were complaining about not knowing what was going on will really like this thread.

I don't think rewards should be added, because members should not be "rewarded" for good posts. We should have good, educated, and well thought out posts anyways.
Grains of Sand

What exactly is wrong with rewarding a member for a good post? You could even argue that giving them one of these points is a reward, and that the whole system is bad if we're against rewards.

P.S. Way to follow the rules :p I figured that part might be a disaster. I'll try to figure out a better, less complicated way of doing it.
RE: Grains of Sand.

Awards would be cool, but it is difficult to provide awards on a forum. What are you going to give them? I am looking forward to seeing this, it is going to be awesome, I like the idea of rewarding good posts and ideas.

Edit: I also like the idea of this thread.

Edit again: Wow, I didn't even know you could edit your post subject.
Grains of Sand

Rewards won't come for awhile. I want to get this setup as fast as possible and work out any glitches with it. Then we can talk about rewards.

I was just saying I like the idea of giving them to users who frequently make these types of posts.

Do you guys have any suggestions for fixing the rules in this thread? Apparently they're harder to follow than I originally thought they would be lol. It doesn't matter yet since we only have one thing posted, but after there's multiple there might be an issue with figuring who's talking about which topic.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

Sounds interesting. It will help encourage people to help out more and with better suggestions. By the way, congrats on becoming a mod.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

This sounds like a cool idea. Would the members get PM'd or profile commented so they know they got a grain of sand?
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

Sounds cool, and gives people an incentive to be original
Grains of sand

There could be a grains of sand winner userbar.

Not really a reward but recognition.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

glaceon said:
There could be a grains of sand winner userbar.

Not really a reward but recognition.

We are expecting (or at least hoping) that there are a lot of people who have been awarded some Grains of Sand. With so many people having some GoS, there's really no need to give out a userbar to specify these people (the Verified Sellers are a different story, since that userbar proves that that member can actually do something special on the forums).
Grains of Sand

Glaceon- That may happen in the future. It wouldn't just be for if they got the award one time, though; they would have to have a good number of Grains of Sand. Like, say, 10. Or there could be different levels, like nothing = 0-4, bronze = 5-10, silver = 11-24, gold = 25+. It most likely wouldn't be a userbar since then the forum gets cluttered, but just a little trophy image near it or something. Probably won't happen for awhile.

FlamingDriscoll09 said:
This sounds like a cool idea. Would the members get PM'd or profile commented so they know they got a grain of sand?
Most likely. I'll definitely be doing this when I award one.

The project should go live in a few days. It's done in my eyes; just waiting for approval/portal announcement. :)

EDIT- Ninja'd

Guys, please read the rules of the thread before posting. Pretty much everybody has broken them now lol. It doesn't matter since we only have one project being discussed for now. But if this picks up a little more, it's going to become an issue.
RE: Grains Of Sand

Just to clarify, does this apply to the Deck Garage as well? That's where most of my elaborate posts go lol

If so, I like the idea of it.
Grains of Sand

It will go to Deck Garage as well. The location of the post doesn't matter as long as it's informative and such. It does not, however, apply to Collector's Gathering, Card Questions & Game Rulings, or Trading Corner and its subforums. Posts made outside of the TCG sections do not count either, since this is run by TCG mods. Original posts of a thread are also not eligible.

EDIT- Crapppp now I'm breaking them too lol...
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

Grains of Sand

I meant whomever gets the most grains in the one month time period.
Grains of Sand

glaceon said:
Grains of Sand

I meant whomever gets the most grains in the one month time period.

That's still not a good reason to have a userbar. If you look, all of the userbars aren't for winning anything; they're used to show what privileges a member has. The only privilege someone would have with a Grains of Sand userbar are bragging rights, which someone can do anytime.

However, that doesn't mean someone shouldn't be rewarded for having the most GoS.
RE: Grains of Sand.

I think that I am in agreement with Gliscor on this one. As glamorous as it would be to have your own one of a kind userbar, it would be pointless. The Super Mods/WPM would have to create a new user-group, and Xous would have to make another userbar, they have higher priorities I am sure. Just a simple number in the profile, and maybe a "ranking" system in the member list is enough. I'm very excited for this still.

On a side note, I can tell that there is going to be a large number of people making long posts to sound smart once this idea gets going, even though they don't know what they are talking about. For the record, I was doing that way before it was cool.
Grains of Sand

I'm not sure how customizable MyBB is as far as forum software goes, but it might be possible to create a field that appears in the userbar info area (the place where your avatar/location/post count appears to the left of a post) that mods could edit to add points to users. The upside of such a system would be that it would appear in an easy-to-see location with all of the users posts, but it might not be worth the trouble to implement and upkeep, depending on how it's actually done.

Alternatively, you could possibly modify a post-karma system, where only mods/admins are allowed to award those points. Most places I've seen that use a similar system also have the karma "points" totaled up in the userbar for all users to see. This could be easier perhaps than editing in a whole new system, but might not be customizable to the effect intended for use.

Just tossing some ideas out there to similar things I've seen and dealt with in my time on the interwebs. That said, I'm not all too familiar with MyBB software, so I don't even know if my suggestions are even somewhat feasible.

I do think a userbar informational thing would be the most useful way of displaying the information, though. You could even set the code so that it's bolded/coloured/something to make it stand out a bit more, and it would always be visible in anyone's post. Getting into usergroups, etc. isn't really the way to go at all.
TCG Articles

I'm working on trying to write an article every week or two. However, I'm curious about what type of content you guys want out of me. Some of the ideas I had were:

Regionals Report (already done; should be up in a few days. Just waiting for it to go in the portal.
Noble Victories set analysis, and its potential affects on the metagame
Deckbuilding Article (?; if there's support for it, not sure what approach to take)
What to play for Cities (sort of tied into the set analysis, just more focused on the ultra-competitive side of it)
Playing Well (winning well, losing well, etc)
Abusing order of actions to manipulate probability (Read: how to play well in-game and avoid misplays) (I'm most enthusiastic about this one)

Are there any opinions about which of these articles you guys want to see most, or what other articles you guys want to see?
RE: TCG Articles

Celebi23 said:
I'm working on trying to write an article every week or two. However, I'm curious about what type of content you guys want out of me. Some of the ideas I had were:

Regionals Report (already done; should be up in a few days. Just waiting for it to go in the portal.
Noble Victories set analysis, and its potential affects on the metagame
Deckbuilding Article (?; if there's support for it, not sure what approach to take)
What to play for Cities (sort of tied into the set analysis, just more focused on the ultra-competitive side of it)
Playing Well (winning well, losing well, etc)
Abusing order of actions to manipulate probability (I'm most enthusiastic about this one)

Are there any opinions about which of these articles you guys want to see most, or what other articles you guys want to see?

I would like to see the Cities, NV set analysis, playing well and the deck building articles.