Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Activities and Events

RE: TCG Articles

I'd like to see an article on abusing order of actions to manipulate probability most– sounds really interesting.

Whatever article you make, good luck! I'm sure it'll be great.
TCG Articles

I like the Abusing order of actions to manipulate probability

Your regionals report will be good because you won (did I hear The Truth?)
TCG Articles

I decided to go with a metagame analysis, which is done, but needs to be edited with the links. That takes forever, so at latest it will be up by Wednesday. There's also a mini set analysis in the article, but it only covers the really good stuff.

Next, I'll probably do a bigger set analysis, although I'm not sure how much approval it will get, since all the good stuff will have been covered. It should go up before Cities as well, though.

I'll probably do a Week 1 Cities recap, which will obviously go up after Week 1 of cities.

Then, when the Cities hype dies down, I'll probably do a special on the in-game play article.
RE: TCG Articles

Celebi23 said:
I decided to go with a metagame analysis, which is done, but needs to be edited with the links. That takes forever, so at latest it will be up by Wednesday. There's also a mini set analysis in the article, but it only covers the really good stuff.

Next, I'll probably do a bigger set analysis, although I'm not sure how much approval it will get, since all the good stuff will have been covered. It should go up before Cities as well, though.

I'll probably do a Week 1 Cities recap, which will obviously go up after Week 1 of cities.

Then, when the Cities hype dies down, I'll probably do a special on the in-game play article.
You could mention something about European Regionals, since those are the first tournaments with HS-NV format.
More Projects

Okay, some more projects. I'm not sure why other moderators are not using this, I'll have to talk to them about it.

I'm starting up a TCG weekly discussion similar to the Real World weekly discussion, where we'll discuss various aspects of the TCG, and one every week. It should get more competitive discussion going in the forums.

I'm also starting to work on Mini Cup 2, and my new article.

Also, what are members' opinions on getting a sub-forum in the Deck Garage where we have mini-articles about every deck in the format, and a specific thread for discussing all of them? This would eliminate clutter threads like, "how many energy should I play in Eelzone?" It would also be a nice way for new members to understand the metagame and get a sort of jump start on the game.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

Celebi23 said:

Also, what are members' opinions on getting a sub-forum in the Deck Garage where we have mini-articles about every deck in the format, and a specific thread for discussing all of them? This would eliminate clutter threads like, "how many energy should I play in Eelzone?" It would also be a nice way for new members to understand the metagame and get a sort of jump start on the game.

This is a wonderful idea. The amount of clutter in that forum over small things for every deck is just getting out of hand. I completely support this change. The one problem I can see with it though is what people will consider "a deck that's in the format". There'll obviously be Eelzone and Reshiphlosion, etc. but I can forsee something along the lines of some random deck that's not viable/a mish-mosh of random cards getting posted in there.
More Projects

Sounds awesome! Hopefully I can make it past the first round this time in the Mini Cup :p

Going off of the Deck Garage improvements, I think we should also work on a more extensive tier list if we want to help members adjust to the metagame better. Asides from giving deck tiers and trainer tiers, we could also give brief deck descriptions, and maybe even a list of match ups. I started to work on this myself, to submit somewhere, but then realized I had no idea what to do with it, and the Tier List saw minor updates, so I kinda stopped. Maybe I will submit something if this idea has any support, or someone on the staff could work on this. I think the idea of general deck articles is a good one, sample lists and skeletons will be key as well.

Weekly TCG discussion should be interesting, I don't really have much to say on that topic, but I am looking forward to seeing all of this put into action!
RE: More Projects

Zorua said:
This is a wonderful idea. The amount of clutter in that forum over small things for every deck is just getting out of hand. I completely support this change. The one problem I can see with it though is what people will consider "a deck that's in the format". There'll obviously be Eelzone and Reshiphlosion, etc. but I can forsee something along the lines of some random deck that's not viable/a mish-mosh of random cards getting posted in there.
The plan was that only moderators would be able to post threads in the forum, so we would get to regulate what gets considered a meta deck and what doesn't.

Vulpix Yolk said:
Sounds awesome! Hopefully I can make it past the first round this time in the Mini Cup :p

Going off of the Deck Garage improvements, I think we should also work on a more extensive tier list if we want to help members adjust to the metagame better. Asides from giving deck tiers and trainer tiers, we could also give brief deck descriptions, and maybe even a list of match ups. I started to work on this myself, to submit somewhere, but then realized I had no idea what to do with it, and the Tier List saw minor updates, so I kinda stopped. Maybe I will submit something if this idea has any support, or someone on the staff could work on this. I think the idea of general deck articles is a good one, sample lists and skeletons will be key as well.

Weekly TCG discussion should be interesting, I don't really have much to say on that topic, but I am looking forward to seeing all of this put into action!
Tier lists and matchups are very opinion-based, though. If everybody agreed on a tier list and matchups, everybody would play the same deck since there would always be a clear BDIF. I like the tier list as a sticky, mostly because it creates healthy discussion, and not necessarily because I agree or even come close to agreeing with how they update the OP.

The plan was to have mini-articles with a sample decklist (skeletons in general are bad for a lot of reasons), a brief description of how the deck works, what possible techs can be used, and then some matchups for it. It would a lot like a shorter version of the Donphan article you wrote. The OP would decide on the matchups to post, and then they could be discussed in the thread. Members could help out with this is they wanted, since I don't think the mods want to write more than 10 articles on their own.

Btw, that article I was talking to you about will be posted later this week. It's been done for a few days, but we didn't time the portal posts very well and it was low on the priority list so all the other stuff that got done around the same time is going up first.

I was thinking the new arrangement for the fourms could look like:

TCG News & General Discussion
-Collector's Gathering

Trading Corner
-Same billion sub-forums

Deck Garage
-Metagame Deck Corner

The Competitive Collective
-Training Facility
-Pokebeach.com Card Reviews

Online Playtesting

Card Questions & Game Rulings

Organized Play & Reports
-Same billion sub-forums
RE: More Projects

Celebi23 said:
Also, what are members' opinions on getting a sub-forum in the Deck Garage where we have mini-articles about every deck in the format, and a specific thread for discussing all of them? This would eliminate clutter threads like, "how many energy should I play in Eelzone?" It would also be a nice way for new members to understand the metagame and get a sort of jump start on the game.

I was thinking of making a somewhat similar thread, but couldn't think of how to word it, I can't wait to see this thread! (I know I'll be using it often, being as I've been somewhat out of touch with the meta)
Moving of subforums

TCG News & General Discussion
-Collector's Gathering

Trading Corner
-Same billion sub-forums

Deck Garage
-Metagame Deck Corner

The Competitive Collective
-Training Facility
-Pokebeach.com Card Reviews

Online Playtesting

Card Questions & Game Rulings

Organized Play & Reports
-Same billion sub-forums

I like the edits, but say we need more tournaments for the Online Playtesting one. So far we just have 2 (mine and the mini-tournament, and I would Serp's contest to it).

Maybe make it an online tournaments and TCG competitions forums?
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

Celebi23 said:
I'm starting up a TCG weekly discussion similar to the Real World weekly discussion, where we'll discuss various aspects of the TCG, and one every week. It should get more competitive discussion going in the forums.

So something like this? Yeah, I guess so. You really need to make the topics broad enough to make lots of discussion. Somebody isn't going to take part in a discussion that revolves around EelZone, but if we discuss Eelektrik itself, then that would be broad enough to include discussion.

Celebi23 said:
Also, what are members' opinions on getting a sub-forum in the Deck Garage where we have mini-articles about every deck in the format, and a specific thread for discussing all of them? This would eliminate clutter threads like, "how many energy should I play in Eelzone?" It would also be a nice way for new members to understand the metagame and get a sort of jump start on the game.

Mini-articles are things that should stay in CC. We don't need any new sub-forums, TBH, and the Deck Garage is fine as it is. If we make a Meta game Deck Corner, then how do you expect people to look at a deck that is already perfect as is? That's what the Training Facility is for, no? Newer members getting a jump-start on the game = Training Facility. PB can't get any newer players because we haven't established something that will make them want to stay. It's pretty much, "Hey, post your deck here and we'll make it meta game."

I wouldn't mind a place for newer players to come and understand the basic concepts of the TCG, like Special Conditions and junk. Then you start introducing them to competitive mechanics, like the staples that successful decks should need. Maybe a sub-forum like "Virtual Pokemon League." Basically, you can get people to discuss decks that they use at league and how other newer players could improve them. The mods come in and start giving them small changes that begin to help them get into the competitive play style.

Just my two cents, if my opinion matters or anything.
RE: Moving of subforums

Glaceon said:
TCG News & General Discussion
-Collector's Gathering

Trading Corner
-Same billion sub-forums

Deck Garage
-Metagame Deck Corner

The Competitive Collective
-Training Facility
-Pokebeach.com Card Reviews

Online Playtesting

Card Questions & Game Rulings

Organized Play & Reports
-Same billion sub-forums

I like the edits, but say we need more tournaments for the Online Playtesting one. So far we just have 2 (mine and the mini-tournament, and I would Serp's contest to it).

Maybe make it an online tournaments and TCG competitions forums?
I definitely like this idea. I'll bring it up in my proposal of sorts to the Super Mods.

The Yoshi said:
So something like this? Yeah, I guess so. You really need to make the topics broad enough to make lots of discussion. Somebody isn't going to take part in a discussion that revolves around EelZone, but if we discuss Eelektrik itself, then that would be broad enough to include discussion.

Mini-articles are things that should stay in CC. We don't need any new sub-forums, TBH, and the Deck Garage is fine as it is. If we make a Meta game Deck Corner, then how do you expect people to look at a deck that is already perfect as is? That's what the Training Facility is for, no? Newer members getting a jump-start on the game = Training Facility. PokéBeach can't get any newer players because we haven't established something that will make them want to stay. It's pretty much, "Hey, post your deck here and we'll make it meta game."
The mini-articles would only be there as a guide for new players, and as discussion starters in the thread. The Training Facility is for new players to get a jump start on the game like you said, yeah. The sub-forum would be a place to discuss each individual metagame deck; something completely different from training facility, which has nothing to do with the metagame. New players being able to look at the sample decklist and learn from it is just another bonus.

I wouldn't mind a place for newer players to come and understand the basic concepts of the TCG, like Special Conditions and junk. Then you start introducing them to competitive mechanics, like the staples that successful decks should need. Maybe a sub-forum like "Virtual Pokemon League." Basically, you can get people to discuss decks that they use at league and how other newer players could improve them. The mods come in and start giving them small changes that begin to help them get into the competitive play style.
This is what Training Facility is for. The sub-forum I'm talking about would be directed more at the competitive player than at the new player.

Just my two cents, if my opinion matters or anything.
Of course your opinion matters.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

The thing is, newer players aren't going to learn anything from top tier decks. Don't you think it would be more logical to introduce them to the basic mechanics, like Special Conditions? Also, we don't have much of a "staff" to write these articles. I think we round up a team that is willing to pump out multiple articles in a period of time.

At your second point, I understand that it is directed towards the competitive player, but that's just the problem. I was just implying an idea that could be implemented after this idea of yours.

So... more on articles. As you guys probably know, we really want member-written articles. After talking to a few members, it seems like a lot of people want to write articles for the website, but they're not sure what kind of articles they should write. What kinds of articles would you guys, as members, like to see written?

Also, I haven't forgotten about everything we discussed above. It's being worked on.

Yes, post any and all ideas. I am trying to write another article (this time with extra grammar : O), but have no clue what to right about.

Every post counts.

The Yoshi said:
The thing is, newer players aren't going to learn anything from top tier decks. Don't you think it would be more logical to introduce them to the basic mechanics, like Special Conditions? Also, we don't have much of a "staff" to write these articles. I think we round up a team that is willing to pump out multiple articles in a period of time.
Play! Pokémon has a video on their site on all of this.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

How about writing about how EXs could possibly change our format, or (for anyone who lives outside the USA) how the meta game is in other countries? Just some ideas that have been boggling around in my head.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

Definitely how EX's and Level Ball/Heavy Ball are going to affect current decks and what other decks we may see.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

I'm currently working on an article that covers this;

The Yoshi said:
How about writing about how EXs could possibly change our format, or (for anyone who lives outside the USA) how the meta game is in other countries? Just some ideas that have been boggling around in my head.
RE: Upcoming PokéBeach TCG Tournaments and Activities

^Well, yeah, you already told me that. XP

Anyway, I think an article on speculation of cards from Next Destinies would be a cool idea. Take Venasaur, Heavy Ball, Ultra Ball, and a few other cards, and you've got yourself an article.