RE: UPDATE!!! I need your mudkips from Great Encounters! trade me them please! 
Sorry, I already have the holo and I need the RH. Lmk.
jumplypluff19 said:would you do a holo drifblim FB and rh Lucario gl for all 5?
80baby said:CML for the following
1 ERL-(Top)
2 ERL-(bottom)
1 RSL-(bottom)
2x Palkia G X
1x Dailga G X
3x Hoppip (HGSS)(RH)
4x Jumpluff (HGSS)
4x Gengar (SF)(RH)
1x Spiritomb (AR)
4x Garchomp C
2x Chatot G (RH)
4x Poke Turn (Main Want)
4x Cyrus Conspiracy (Main Want)
2x E-Gain
10x Rare Candy (UL Only)
1x Pokemon Collector
do you by chance have a luxray gl lv. X?
Sorry, I already have the holo and I need the RH. Lmk.