RE: UPDATE!!! I Need DialgaChomp things and Luxray Gl Lv.X, Come on and trade with me. 
your machamp lv x and shiny duskull for my rh poke turn (that would be a fair trade according to trollandtoad, because machamp lv x is worth 10 dollars and shiny duskull is 5 dollars and my poketurn rh is 15 dollars)
so again, your machamp lv x and shiny duskull for my rh poke turn
your machamp lv x and shiny duskull for my rh poke turn (that would be a fair trade according to trollandtoad, because machamp lv x is worth 10 dollars and shiny duskull is 5 dollars and my poketurn rh is 15 dollars)
so again, your machamp lv x and shiny duskull for my rh poke turn