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UPDATED 2/26! Lots to trade! Want Gothitelles, Catcher, more!

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RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

CML for any of these:

Mismagius GL
Toxicroak G promo
Sableye G
Weavile G
energy gain
looker's investigation
Crobat G
Mismagius GL Lv.x
Cyrus's Conspiracy

I noticed league uxies were on your wants, and I have three, so I am willing to trade them.
If you are interested you can make an offer, but please stay away from infernape x and dark x's unless absolutely necessary, thank you.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Actually Uxie and Cresselia have made there ways to at least $20-$25. And Cressy is for some reason a High Demand card, so I would want something good for that.
So I'll check your list again to see if we can work out some sort of deal.....
Unless you have any plushies that you will be willing to let go? XP​
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Rikko145 - Sorry, I don't have any of those, only what's on my list. I am interested in your league Uxies, though. Do you see anything from my list that you'd want for them?

SotH - I don't have any JPN plushies, but I do have (unused) mini plushies of Magby, Igglybuff, Wooper, and Smeargle. Pics can be seen here:


I wouldn't really want to do those as add-ins, though. I'd prefer separate trades for them, or a combo with cards.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Ahhh, I see.
Hhhmm, well maybe we can try to work out some deal?
I don't know it's up to you, I don't want to cause any trouble or take up any of your time.​
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

SotH - I don't mind taking time to try to work out a trade :) Were you interested in any of those plushies?

Also, you mentioned the hat was a bootleg...how do you tell? Is this the real one?

RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

I was interested in Smeargle.
Also you can tell because, the eyes (Kyogres are yellow), the sort of sloppy design on the fins, and the tag. If it doesn't say it's from Pokepark 2005 than its bootleg. That one would be bootleg too.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

CML for your Floatzel GL Lv.X
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Hey my Leafeon LV X and shinys are Japanese. My ANA Marill and Togepi are mint and do not come with the folder. Unlike the earlier ANA promos these two were handed out individually. I do have an unpeeled Marill but will most likely not trade it. I also have a Pikachu/Articuno set in original folder and a set without the folder. I will mostly likely not trade the set in the folder. Also, all the ANA promos I have are mint. These are the cards I'm interested in:

JPN Pikachu* (gift box promo)
AM Golem EX (JPN)
JPN Holo Matrix Energy (Metal, Psychic, Fighting, Electric, Fire, Grass) - from JPN Aqua/Magma

JPN Aqua Magma:
014 - Arcanine holo
020 - Magma's Houndoom holo
021 - Magma's Torkoal holo
036 - Aqua's Crawdaunt holo
039 - Aqua's Manectric holo
040 - Espeon holo
045 - Magma's Claydol holo
053 - Magma's Rhydon holo

JPN Crystal Guardians:
003 - Venusaur holo 1st ed.
009 - Swalot holo 1st ed.
014 - Ludicolo d holo 1st ed.
016 - Camerupt holo 1st ed.
027 - Luvdisc holo 1st ed.
031 - Manectric holo 1st ed.
036 - Grumpig holo 1st ed.
049 - Blastoise d holo 1st ed.

Let me know what you want to do, or if you want me to propose a trade.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

SotH - Ahh, OK. That helps =) I was wondering where the original came from. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be able to track down one of those.

What could you trade for the JPN Pikachu* and Smeargle plushie?

Jackolas - My primary interest is your Leafeon Lv. X. Let me know if there is anything else I can add for it?

shpunto9 - I actually do already have the Pikachu/Articuno set, just need the Pikachu/Larvitar set now :) but I am still interested in the Marill and Togepi. I guess I might be somewhat interested in the JPN Leafeon Lv. X also. Do you have any JPN Uxies and/or Claydols?

I do have someone else that I'm trying to negotiate a trade with that is also interested in the JPN stuff. I do have these available, though, if you want to propose an offer from them:

AM Golem EX (JPN)

JPN Aqua Magma:
014 - Arcanine holo
021 - Magma's Torkoal holo

JPN Crystal Guardians:
003 - Venusaur holo 1st ed.
009 - Swalot holo 1st ed.
016 - Camerupt holo 1st ed.
027 - Luvdisc holo 1st ed.
031 - Manectric holo 1st ed.
036 - Grumpig holo 1st ed.
049 - Blastoise d holo 1st ed.

PLMK and thanks! Cheryl
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Could you CML for these:
PK Flygon EX x1
CG Blaziken EX x1
LM Dustox EX x1
LM Lugia EX (some wear on edges, minor scratches)
Neo Destiny Shining Celebi
Neo Destiny 1st ed. Shining Kabutops

POP2 Pidgeot
POP2 Suicune
POP2 Tauros
POP2 Celebi EX
POP3 Vaporeon
POP3 Minun
POP4 Chimecho
POP4 Mew (holo)

Pokemon Rocks America Lugia x1
Wizard World Chicago Torchic
City Championships Machop x1
State Championships Machoke x1
PRERELEASE stamped Exeggutor d x1
WINNER stamped Beldum
WINNER stamped Chimecho x1

Professor stamped Prof. Oak's Research x1 (2004-2005)
Professor stamped Professor Birch holo x1 (2005-2006)
Professor stamped Professor Elm's Training Method (2006-2007) SEALED PACK OF 4 x1
Professor stamped Energy (2004-2005) SEALED PACK OF 6
Holo League Energy SEALED PACK OF 6 x1

Pins - all are still sealed
City Championships 2005-2006 x1
State Championships 2005-2006 x1
Regional Championships 2005-2006
Gym Challenge World's Qualifier
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Would you do Floatzel GL Lv.X & Empoleon Lv.X (Both are damaged)

For Dialga G Lv.X

Normally I am only interested in mint cards
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

eevee - Sorry, I didn't really see anything.

Jackolas - No thanks. The damage on the Floatzel is very minor and definitely not enough to add another Lv. X
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Butterfly719 said:
eevee - Sorry, I didn't really see anything.

Jackolas - No thanks. The damage on the Floatzel is very minor and definitely not enough to add another Lv. X

Even though Emploeon is a promo and worth the same as a holo?
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

SeaLegend - Sorry, I didn't see anything.

Jackolas - No, and I don't consider it to be worth the same as a holo.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

CML for your :
Garchomp SV H
Electivire FB RH
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

vrapceboy - Sorry, I didn't see anything.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

Hey is that JPN Gift box pikachu definitely getting trade in your other trade? Thats what I'm most interested in.
RE: (H) Lots of SV, RR, some older stuff (W) Lv. Xs, deck staples, etc.

shpunto9 - It's still available for trade offers, but I don't really see anything for it. I'd prefer to trade it for an English Lv. X I need. I wouldn't mind trading some of the holos for the promos I'm interested in, though, and any JPN Uxie/Claydols you might have.
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