RE: Updated with Undaunted! Want Lv. Xs, Staples, Sleeves, Pikachus, more!
Umbreon1997 - Sorry, I'm only looking for my wants. If you have anything from my list, could you make an offer? thanks!
Alexz345 - Yes, I would like to work something out. But as I mentioned already in your thread, some of those cards have already gone in other trades and been removed from my list. I made an offer including most of the cards from your original, larger wanted list:
Champ X
"W" stamped Dark Arbok
Wizard World Chicago Torchic
City Championships Machop
State Championships Machoke
National Championships Dragonite
PRERELEASE stamped Exeggutor d
PRERELEASE stamped Dragonair d
PRERELEASE stamped Tropius
PRERELEASE stamped Piloswine
PRERELEASE stamped Raichu
PRERELEASE stamped Milotic
for your:
Azelf Lv. X
Floatzel GL Lv. X
Heatran Lv. X x2 (or could swap these out for your Donphan Prime)
I could also add some more things for your Donphan Prime if you still have it. LMK and thanks, Cheryl