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Updated! Looking to get some refs! Easy trades!

RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

I have 4x RH Roserade GL's and was wondering what you valued them at so I could send you an offer, or you can make me an offer from my wants.
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

captain.mongoose said:
Yes, I do have one for trade.

Awesome. I'd like to do my Azelf RH and something else (not scizor prime) for your vileplume undaunted and slowking prime. Let me know if this is ok.

Steelix kid: sorry didn't see anything

Cimurph: I value them about a buck each. I have most of your trainer wants. Just list what trainers you want for th 4 roserades.
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

muffinman57 said:
Awesome. I'd like to do my Azelf RH and something else (not scizor prime) for your vileplume undaunted and slowking prime. Let me know if this is ok.

Steelix kid: sorry didn't see anything

Cimurph: I value them about a buck each. I have most of your trainer wants. Just list what trainers you want for th 4 roserades.

What if the Vileplume is RH?
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

How about My:
Gliscor lv. X
2 cyrus
2 power spray
2 energy gain

for your:
3 RH rare candy
RH Azelf LA
uxie LA promo
(im not sure, but If I have roserade RH i'll throw it in also)
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

captain.mongoose said:
What if the Vileplume is RH?

I would do azelf by itself.

Goldenthumb: let me see how this trade works out before I offer azelf rh.
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

CML for the following

1x Garchomp C X (PACK)
1x Gengar X
3x Ninetailes (HGSS)
2x Machamp (SF)
1x Crobat G
1x Azelf (LA)(RH)
3x Uxie (LP)
1x Mesprit (LA)
3x Rare Candy (UL)(RH)
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

Okay, how about this:
Vileplume UD RH
Slowking Prime
Azelf RH
Gengar SF
Uxie LP
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

Goldenthumb: azelf is traded. Make an offer with vileplumes if you'd like.

80baby: I like double colorless energies, rh energy gain and rh power spray. That was all I saw. Feel free to offer, just note azelf is traded

Captain mongoose: sure I'll do that. Pm me
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

I was only willing to give up the vileplume for the azelf cuz i needed it, but I will do.
Gliscor lv. X
2 energy gain
2 power spray

for your:
3 RH rare candy
uxie la
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

goldenthumb said:
I was only willing to give up the vileplume for the azelf cuz i needed it, but I will do.
Gliscor lv. X
2 energy gain
2 power spray

for your:
3 RH rare candy
uxie la

Ah I see. I'd rather hang onto the rare candies as I don't need that stuff all that badly. Thanks though
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

how about:
1x garchomp c lv x pack
for my:
roserade gl
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

CML for the following

1x Garchomp C X (PACK)
3x Ninetailes (HGSS)
2x Machamp (SF)
1x Crobat G
2x Uxie (LP)
1x Mesprit (LA)
3x Rare Candy (UL)
1x Palmers Contribution
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

is your magnezone sf the electric one? if it is CML for it :)
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

CML for the following

4x Steelix PRIME
2x Blissey (PL)
3x Smeargle (UD)
RE: The Muffin Man wants to trade with YOU!

Can you CML for the following?

1x Kyogre Groudon Full
4x Steelix Prime
3x Slowking Prime
1x Staraptor X
1x Raichu X
1x Blaziken X
1x Azelf X

Willing to trade for any/all of that, so long as you see anything you like from my list. LMK. Thanks!