Friend Code:0791-2028-0079
Looking for battles: No
Time Zone:Central Time Zone
Times Available:Monday-Friday 5:00 PM-10:00 PM (Unless Something Comes Up) Weekends:Almost all Day
Shellder x1 Ability: Skill Link Nature: Jolly EM: Rock Blast/ Icicle Spear
Phanpy x1 [Luxury Ball Female] Ability: Pickup Nature: Impish EM: Ice Shard/ Play Rough
Charmander x2 Ability: Blaze Nature: Adamant EM: Flare Blitz/Dragon Dance/Outrage
Houndour x4 Ability: Unnerve Nature: Timid Em: Nasty Plot/Destiny Bond
Shuckle x1 Ability: Gluttony Nature: Sassy
Shellder x1 Ability: Skill Link Nature: Jolly EM: Rock Blast/ Icicle Spear
Magikarp x1 Ability: Rattled Nature: Jolly
Roselia x1 Ability: Natural Cure Nature: Calm EM:Spikes/Pin Missile/Giga Drain/Synthesis
Charmander x1 Ability: Blaze Nature: Adamant EM: Flare Blitz/Dragon Dance/Outrage
Ferroseed no speed IVS x4 Ability: Iron Barbs Nature:Relaxed EM: Leech Seed (Bred With Dive Ball)
Amoongus Ability:Effect Spore Nature: Rash
Delibird Ability: Vital Spirit Nature Sassy
Escavalier Nature: Naive
Latias 6 IV Most Likely RNG'd Nature: Timid
Virizion Nature: Calm
Palkia Nature:Impish
GenesectShiny Nature: Hasty
Victini Nature:Adamant
Darkrai Nature: Modest
Services Offered:
-Willing to IV Breed Flawless Pokes
-4 and 5 iv Pokemon
-Shiny Pokemon
-Legendary Pokemon
Looking for battles: No
Time Zone:Central Time Zone
Times Available:Monday-Friday 5:00 PM-10:00 PM (Unless Something Comes Up) Weekends:Almost all Day
Welcome to my Trade Thread. Its my first post here so excuse any errors
. Hope we can trade
Note:This isn't complete and will be frequently updated
4 IV Pokemon
Pinsir x1 Ability: Moxie Nature: Adamant EM:Close Combat/ Quick Attack

Shellder x1 Ability: Skill Link Nature: Jolly EM: Rock Blast/ Icicle Spear

Phanpy x1 [Luxury Ball Female] Ability: Pickup Nature: Impish EM: Ice Shard/ Play Rough

Charmander x2 Ability: Blaze Nature: Adamant EM: Flare Blitz/Dragon Dance/Outrage

Houndour x4 Ability: Unnerve Nature: Timid Em: Nasty Plot/Destiny Bond

Hidden Power Pokemon
Vulpix x1 Hidden Power Ice Ability: Drought Nature: Modest EM:Extrasensory
5 IV Pokemon
Shuckle x1 Ability: Gluttony Nature: Sassy

Shellder x1 Ability: Skill Link Nature: Jolly EM: Rock Blast/ Icicle Spear

Magikarp x1 Ability: Rattled Nature: Jolly

Roselia x1 Ability: Natural Cure Nature: Calm EM:Spikes/Pin Missile/Giga Drain/Synthesis

Charmander x1 Ability: Blaze Nature: Adamant EM: Flare Blitz/Dragon Dance/Outrage

Ferroseed no speed IVS x4 Ability: Iron Barbs Nature:Relaxed EM: Leech Seed (Bred With Dive Ball)

Shinies For Trade
Kalos Born Shinies
Ursaring Nickname:MrGummy:3 Ability: Quick Feet Nature:Jolly
Amoongus Ability:Effect Spore Nature: Rash

Delibird Ability: Vital Spirit Nature Sassy

Non-Kalos Born Shinies
Typhlosion Nature:Brave
Escavalier Nature: Naive

Latias 6 IV Most Likely RNG'd Nature: Timid

Legendary Trades
Mewtwo x3 Natures: Jolly,Jolly, and Sassy
Virizion Nature: Calm

Palkia Nature:Impish

GenesectShiny Nature: Hasty

Victini Nature:Adamant

Darkrai Nature: Modest

Services Offered:
-Willing to IV Breed Flawless Pokes
-4 and 5 iv Pokemon
-Shiny Pokemon
-Legendary Pokemon