• Please read THIS THREAD if you are a new trader/seller.

    Thank you!

updated with knew thing and u will like it

Good or bad thread

  • Total voters

Islam soliman

Aspiring Trainer




{D} DARK {D}

1x crawdunt G SV RH
2x sableye G SV 1RH
1x Darkrai DP24 promo H
1x darkrai DP52 promo H
3x Tyranitar SF 2H 1RH

{G} Grass {G}

2x mothim PA H
1x sceptile PA RH
3x beedrill RR 1RH
3x scizor SF
1x shedinja SV
2x yanmega SV H
3x Ludicolo PT 1RH
2x cherrim PA
2x cherrim SF
1x Venusaur SV
1x cradily LA
1x parasect SV
2x vespiqueen SF
1x yanmega LA H
1x meganium HGSS H
1x beautifly PT
1x shaymin PT14 H
1x tangrowth PA RH
1x tangrowth SF
1x sunflora HGSS
1x shaymin UL H
1x sceptile SF
1x rosearade UL
2x leafeon UD PR H

{L} Electric {L}

1x luxray PA H
3x raichu PA 1PR
1x lanturn UL RH
1x minun MD
2x Luxray GL RR H
1x magnezone SF6 H
1x Raichu SF RH
2x manectric PA
2x Pichu HGSS PR
1x manectric PT

{C} colorless {C}

1x Rayquaza LA H
1x Delcatty PT H
1x blissey PT RH
2x furret HGSS
2x Persian HGSS
3x porygon Z G PA
1x Ursaring HGSS
4x snorlax RR 3LP 1RH
4x Raticate PA 1RH
3x Salmance PA H
1x Noctowl HGSS RH
1x Exploud SV
1x Granbull HGSS RH
1x Cleffa HGSS
1x Porygon Z DP35 H
1x Staraptor FB SV H
2x smeargel UD 1RH

{F} Fighting {F}

2x rhyperior 4 1H 1RH
2x golem 4 1RH
1x hippowdon MD
1x sandslash HGSS
1x hitmontop HGSS RH
2x kabutops MD 1H 1RH
1x regirock LA
1x nidoking RR
1x Lucario GL RR H
1x hippowdon RR
1x torterra SF H
1x sandslash SV
1x gliscor UD H


2x poliwrath UL
1x frosslass GL RR H
12x milotic C 1RH 11LP
1x quagsire HGSS RH
1x lapras HGSS
1x Mamoswine LA H
1x omastar MD RH
4x gyarados SF
1x mamoswine GL RR
1x Gastrodon east sea RR
1x Lumenion SF RH
1x swampert SV H
1x regice LA
1x phione MD H
5x empoleon SV 1RH 4LP
1x seaking SV
1x froslass PA
2x glaceon MD 1RH
1x floatazel gl H

{P} Psychic {P}

3x Giratina PT28 1H
2x Hipno HGSS 1RH
1x Swalot PA H
2x Giratina PT10 H
2x deoxys normal form LA H
1x deoxys speed form LA
1x Rosearade C SV RH
1x gallade 4 RR
8x dusknoir FB SV 7LP
1x dusknoir SF RH
1x toxicroak MD
2x deoxys attack form LA 1RH
4x dustox PT 2RH
1x mr. mime 4
2x mr.mime SV 1RH
1x wobbuffet HGSS 1RH
1x gengar PA 17
1x deoxys defense form LA RH
1x chimecho SV RH
1x toxicroak G PT
1x medicham SV
1x mewtwo MD RH
1x cresselia MD
1x gengar PA 16

{R} Fire {R}

[color]4x flareon RR 1RH
2x charizard G 1RH
10x Arcanine G LP
2x heatran LA 1H 1RH
1x camerupt G SV RH
2x Blaziken FB SV H
1x flareon MD RH
2x Heatran PA H
1x camerupt SV
1x arcanine HGSS RH
2x ninetales HGSS


5x dialga G LP
1x dialga MD H
2x heatran LA H
1x dialga PT6 H
1x Magnezone SF5 H
1x aggron RR
1x registeel La
1x dialga PT 23
1x metagross LA RH
1x Fortress LA RH
1x mawile SV
1x skarmory UD RH
1x fortress UD RH


1x absol g SV
1x flygon RR
1x mismagius GL RR
1x arceus PA94
1x arceus PA95
1x arceus PA96
1x tangrowth PA
1x blaziken FB SV
1x regigigas DP30
1x dialga DP37
1x rayquaza C SV


1x slowking
1x feraligator HGSS
2x ampharos HGSS
1x typhlosion HGSS
1x typhlosion HGSS09 promo
1x steelix UL


sorry none right know


3x Arceus
2x Arceus
2x arceus
2x arceus
1x arceus
1x arceus
1x arceus
1x arceus
1x arceus
1x alph lithograph THREE
1x Pikachu RR

Trainers,supporters...etc MORE UNLISTED ASK!!!

3x helix fossil
8x proffesor oaks visit
1x snowpoint temple
6x ultimate zone
4x cynthias feelings
7x lucians assignement 2SH
2x skull fossil 1RH
9x pluspower 2RH
3x buffer peice
7x lucky egg 1RH
5x duskball 1RH
1x interviewers question
7x potion
3x poke blowers +
20x bebes search 5LP
1x oaks new theory
5x department store girl 1RH
10x energy search
1x elms training method
1x memory berry
2x pokemon reversal
2x bucks training 1PR
6x rare candy 2RH
2x aarons collection
2x full heal
3x SSU 1RH
2x moms kindness
3x dual ball
3x lookers investigation
1x armor fossil
1x expert belt
3x great ball 1RH
4x technical machine G damage porter
2x pokeradar
1x bubble coat
1x battle tower RH
1x techinical machine TS2 devoluter
4x energy restore
2x flints willpower
4x pokedrawer 1RH
1x night teleporter
3x bill
1x bench sheild RH
2x champios room 1RH
2x pokemon Contest Hall
1x moomoo milk
2x dome fossil RH
1x VS seeker
4x pokemon communication
5x poke healer +
1x pokeball
2x cynthias guidance
2x techinical machine TS1 evoluter
1x quick ball RH
7x underground Expedition 4LP
4x energy switch 1RH
2x engineers adjustments
1x stark mountain
1x fossil excavator
6x life herb 1RH
1x pokemon circulator
6x level max
2x berthas warmth RH
11x switch
2x SP radar
1x good rod
4x old amber
2x pokegear
2x copycat
7x warp point
1x dawn stadium
1x cyrus's initiative
1x premier ball
3x pokedex 1RH
12x rare candy 1x rh

unique energies

3x HGSS {F} {P} {G}
3x upper energys lp looking like
3xpokemon organize play {D} {F} {M} {G}
8x holo energy {G} {P} {M} {L} {W}
2x special metal 1x rh
4x raimbow energy 1x rh
3x call energy
1x rh multi energy
5x special dark energy
8x double colorless


luxray gl x
rare candy

all primes and legends specially ud ones
luxray gl H
flygon RR
machamp SF
gengar SF
uxie LA
flygon x
holo energys
call energy
kingdra LA
azelf LA
mesprit LA
magnezone x
mewtwo x
uxie x
sableye SF
palkia G
floatazel gl x
infernape 4 x
absol g
garchomp c
garchomp c x
blaze fb x
absol g x
spirtomb PA
gengar x
valplume hsud
alph lithograph ONE and TWO and 3

Hope u trade with me
RE: my cards for trade

Hi, Welcome to the Trading Corner! Please make sure you've read the Trading Corner rules here.
If you have any questions feel free to ask me or any one of the Trade Council members!

- Approved -
RE: my cards for trade

cml (check my list) for 1 mr. mime 4
1 underground Expedition
1 Gallade 4 holo

i have from your wants

giratina 2 la bk and 11 pt rh one with dragonbteath
2 magmar
2 magmortar 1 mt holo and 1 sw holo
2 shaymin 1 sky pt holo and 1 theme deck holo
1 alakazam 4
RE: my cards for trade

I have:
Giratina PT (let loose, reverse)
Giratina PT 27/127 (reverse)
Magmortar SW (reverse)
Magmortar LV.X

I'm interested about your Gallade 4. Do you have any LV.X- cards? And where do you live? Cause I mostly like to trade to Europe..
RE: my cards for trade

You are not allowed to trade because you do not have a reference thread. Once you make a reference thread you can trade, as of now this is considered spam.
Please read the rules.

RE: my cards for trade

Alakazam 4 Lv X

only thing that looks interesting

ok do you have Alakazam 4(not lvl x)

heatren holo
and other cards

Alakazam 4
alakazam 4 lvl x
RE: my cards for trade

Have these, but which sets do you want them from?

25 water energys
ho oh
Infernape 22/100
Moltres (HOLO)
sealed green shaymin sleeves
sealed red giratina sleeves
