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RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post ♣Double Colorless Energy♣

Interested in:
Garchomp C

I have
1x Moonlight Stadium
2x Technical Machine TS-1
CML if you want a little more.
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post ♣Double Colorless Energy♣

XXxx Garchomp C
XXxx Playmats
I've got the Garchomp C and the NightFall playmat. :)

Interested in:
Garchomp C

I have
1x Moonlight Stadium
2x Technical Machine TS-1
CML if you want a little more.
I am getting a Moonlight Stadium sent to me.
Plus, I am working over a deal with 80baby.
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post ♣Double Colorless Energy♣

Whats a night fall playmat what game is that from
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post ♣Double Colorless Energy♣

Is it like the material from the pokeball playmat or the paper mats from the starter decks
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post ♣Double Colorless Energy♣

Well just CML for the following

Garchomp C
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post §Updated§

I'm still in dire need of Cresselia and Gengar LV. X!
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post §Updated§

if you have some unlisted donphan prime or blaziken FBX maybe if not thanks for CingML
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post §Updated§

Okay then, thanks for taking an interest in my thread.
RE: Umbreon1997's Trading Post §Updated§

Hey, you guys, anyone gotten any of my cards?
RE: Umbreon1997 has Unown Q!

Unown Q

Umbreon PRIME

Feel free to counter, this is not firm, only a starter.
RE: Umbreon1997 has Unown Q!

Is there anything else that u might want cause I cant trade a prime for a $1 card.

I can give u 2x Darkness energies for it