karimsoliman94 said:i saw kingdra prime
and anything else you have from my wants(when i cyl i only check x's primes legends etc)
karimsoliman94 said:i don't make offers in my thread sorry but i can narrow it down to this
my(any or all of these)
2x Leafeon UD (PR Promo)
1-2x Luxray GL
1x Rotom UD (RH)
2x Smeargel UD (RH)
your(any or all of these)
Kingdra PRIME
rare candy
sp stuff
giratina x x2
luxray gl H
flygon RR
gyardos SF
nidoqueen RR
expert belt
holo energys
call energy
azelf LA
cherrim SF
sableye SF
Giratina let loose
jumpluff HGSS
pokemon collector
wyoungb said:please CML for:
1x slowking prime
1x Bottom of Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND
i have from your wants:
magnezone SF electric one
interveiwers question
unown q
mesprit LA
cherrim SF
sableye SF
luxury ball
pokeblower +
Giratina let loose
manectric pT
palkia G
t tar prime
floatazel gl
gallade 4
chatot g
blaze fb x
absol g x
salmance x
ninetales HGSS
alph lithograph TWO
LMK what you are most interested in and ill make an offer if youd like!
80baby said:How about
2x Leafeon UD (PR Promo)
1x Rotom UD (RH)
2x Smeargel UD (RH)
gyardos SF x1
copycat x1
rare candy x1
Giratina let loose(NM) x1
jumpluff HGSS x1
pokefan1234 said:How about
x1 Crobat G ($4)
x1 Zapdos WoTC Promo ($2)
x1 Blissey prime ($4)
x1 Salamence X ($8)
x3 Spiritomb AR ($5 each)
x1 Magnazone SF6 ($1)
x1 Magneton (SF) (10c)
x3 Magnemite (sf) (10c each)
x2 Unown Q (50c each)
Pm me if good![]()
wyoungb said:well out of these cards:
interveiwers question
unown q
mesprit LA
cherrim SF
sableye SF
Giratina let loose
manectric pT
palkia G
t tar prime
blaze fb x
ninetales HGSS
what would you do for:
1x slowking prime
1x Bottom of Rayquaza Deoxys LEGEND