URLs of PB

Water Pokémon Master

I like Pokemon more than you! :p
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Advanced Member
Since Meowth346 has been working on our Modified Carddex these past few weeks, and we have to change many things around to optimize it, we have decided that we might as well change the URLs to scans.

Currently, this is how you would get to a scan:

This is what we might do after:

In the future, this might be useful when we make individual set pages, since now, the scans will not be in the set folder, but rather in the scan folder.
^ For the information page, if we ever do it.

So, scans for scans and sets for sets.

What do you guys think? What do you suggest?
WPM you have a few dead links.:)
Its a really good idea but newcomers to the site might find it difficult to get their heads around


To many people who visit the site, the possible changes you mentioned are meaningless. The only ill effect it'll have on some of them, is breaking the link to their bookmarked images or folders (which I doubt many people do). However, organizing file directories so you have room for future additions is great; especially if it helps you stay... organized in the long run.

If anything, I would really recommend that you keep consistent with the file names. One example, of two, that I'd like to point out, is the name of the folders in "/sets" vary with each set. You have a folder named "exemerald" and another named "exds." The second, is in these folders, I noticed that "/exds" has the scans numbered like 001, 002, and 003. In "/exemerald" however, they are numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.. For just now, the number format would be at least easier on the eyes, in folder view, if it were all to be converted to the "001" style.

If I were to type out the address of an image (dunno why, maybe I wanted to know what card was #2 in Crystal Guardians and #25 in Delta Species or something), having to guess the numbering format, and abbreviated set name for each individual folder, would require more effort than it's worth. Not all of us have access to site directories in the way you do.

You already knew all this though. Whether or not the time investment is worth the extra bit of organization depends on what you believe, since none of it is essentially needed.
See, that was the point. Making all of the image 1, and 10 instead of 001 and 010, as well as exdeltaspecies instead of exds.
I misinterpreted the examples then, my eyes must be failing me. :X At least you have one voting "yes" for the change.

Edit: Shortened post.