Ursaring (Prime) from Unleashed (#89) [6/29]

1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
On its own: For a Stage 1, 110 HP is good. As a Prime, it's OK. At first glace, its attacks are ridiculous - 4 energy for a flat 60? But then you see the body. 3 energy for 90 + discard top card of your opponent's deck is actually rather good. Plus, it adds in the scare factor. Your opponent doesn't want to attack you unless they can oneshot you - Which is difficult without Donphan Prime.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
Honestly? None. A popular rogue in my area, though, is to run it with Donphan Prime & Nidoqueen.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Combos break down into two categories. First, making sure there is damage on Ursaring. Second, to keep the damage low so Ursaring can keep up the rampage. For the first, there are three options, really. Rainbow energy, Donphan Prime, and Unown P. Rainbow energy is perhaps the most reliable, but Donphan is a good combination, too. For the second, you can either run a healing engine (Pokehealer, Moomoo, Life Herb.) or use Nidoqueen. SSU isn't a viable option due to the heavy energy cost.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
Alone - 2 of 5. It's just too much of an energy guzzler to rate it higher. If it had 130 HP (So it could survive Donphan unbelted) it would be worth more.
5. How's the artwork?
Impressive, but IMO not impressive enough. I would have liked to have seen a pic with more action, or showing a bit more rage. (You know, looking.... berserk? XD) Even just showing a growling face instead of a poker face would have been better.

Overall: If his attacks took 2 & 3 energy respectively and he had 20 more HP this would be the BCIF. As it is, it's just too hard to power him up with all the speed decks in the format.
dmaster said:
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

1. It won't be so good at it's own because it would be too hard to get the 10 damage on it fast enough. Also its Weakness and type will hurt it a lot against some of the decks. IMO Ursaring Prime needs some other lines to help it against certain matchups.

2. Ursaring Prime won't be very good in most of MetaGame decks. It can be decent tech for a deck that causes bench damage (such as Donphan Prime). Most likely this could be played in deck that can energy accelerate to get it to attack faster.

3. Memory Berry is the card that makes this to a viable rogue deck. I prefer MT Teddiursas over UL Teddiursas because of the recoil damage. With active Body you will hurt yourself 70 and do only 80 to your opponent's active Pokémon but it will only need one energy to do this attack. UL Teddiursas does need 2 energies (DCE prefered) and 10+ damage from some source (Unown P, HQ, Donphan Prime, etc) to do the massive 80-90 damage. I prefer to use Gyarados MT's with Ursaring Prime because of Ursaring Primes Fighting Weakness. Gyarados will Resist Donphans attacks, will do 2x damage to it because of its Weakness. Gyarados can attack massive damage if it has a lot of damages on it. With Expert Belt, you will need 2 damage counter on Gyarados to OHKO Donphan Prime (HQ or Rainbow+Unown P). Donphan Prime is great tech also because it can spread your benched Pokémon (Ursaring and extra damage on Gyarados). You can also combine Memory Berries with Donphan Prime to hit 0-110 damage with a single energy or give it to Gyarados if Dialga G lvX is in play. Warp Energies has seemed to work also pretty well in this deck. At least Ursaring Prime, Gyarados MT and Donphan Prime has massive Retreat cost. I could see this card played with Typlosion or Magnezone since those can give certain Basic energy to Ursaring Prime and also do the 10 damage to it.
TL;DR: Unown P, Gyarados MT, Donphan Prime, Typhlosion Prime, Magnezone, Rainbow, DCE, (Upper,) Warp Energy, BTS, HQ, Drawers, Memory Berry, Expert Belt.

4. 3.5/5
The deck can perform quite often (maybe ~30-50% chance) a T1 80-90 damage if your opponent doesn't start with Spiritomb. You can use Unown Q to get anything out from the active spot if you happen to get T1 Collector/Roseanne. If you happen start with the Teddiursa, you need 4-5 other cards to do T1 80-90 damage. This is why I prefer Drawers in this deck. Late Game you can use DCE + other Energy or another DCE to hit massive 90-120 damage or give Belt to do extra 20 damage. Extra props to Ursaring Prime because it can OHKO Garchomp C lvX and it cannot OHKO your Ursaring (without Belt or 2 Crobats). Weakness and Resistances will hurt this deck quite much which drops the points of this card. Also, Entei Raikou Legend can easily take at least 2 prizes (Claydol, Unown P, Uxie, Azelf) from you and win the game. Ursaring Prime's own attacks cost too much and it has too low HP to be better than 3.5/5 IMO.

5. 4.5/5 Art. I don't usually watch the arts so closely. It doesn't seems to be that great, but the claw in the art is sweet. Extra point cause it reminds me of the other notorious brown colored bear...
Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?

The card is good, but it needs combos to help set it up.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

None Currently.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

Typlosion Prime, Donphan Prime, Rainbow Energy, Memory Berry.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

(4/5) Combo'd right this card can one hit almost anything in the game.

5. How's the artwork?
(3/5) Meh he looks fierce but not to intimadating.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
I love this card. It's a good roguedeck. With DCE in the format, this card could stand on its own.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
You discard an energy with Ninetales GS and draw some cards. Then you can attach Fire energy to Ursaring Prime with Typhlosion Prime and place 1 dmg to it. Then you just attach DCE from your hand to it and hit 90 dmg with Hammer Arm.

4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
3/5. Read answer #3.

5. How's the artwork?
Well, I don't like Ursaring much, but this card has great picture. 3.5/5.
I am pointing out that Teddiursa has take down witch does 20 to the opponent and 10 to its self for one {C} energy.
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
It is a hard hitter, but low on HP for a Prime.
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
None as of now.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Put a rainbow energy on it to initiate Berserk.
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5
5. How's the artwork?
5/5. Looks like he wants to rip your guts out.
See what he's doing? He's giving you the finger. See him smiling? He thinks it's funny.

Just about everyone else in this thread has already mentioned the Typhlosion Prime/Berserk strategy here. It's been repeated over and over again, so I almost feel ashamed to repeat it. So I'll keep it in a nutshell: Typhlosion Prime takes an energy from the discard pile (probably placed there by Ninetale's Roast Reveal) and places it on Ursaring, triggering it's Berserk PokeBody. Play DCE to Hammer Arm for 90. Dangerous.

If you're playing this with no other pokemon for support, it's still dangerous. With DCEs and an Expert Belt, Ursaring has the potential to Megaton Lariat on turn 2 for 140. Flygon and Salamence aren't going to survive that attack, but then, there isn't very much that can. And anything that does will probably be a Crobat G away from collapsing with a satisfying sound.

Alright, let's kill this card. Thankfully, there's a lot that can, which is the main thing keeping it from serious competitive play. Obviously, Donphan Prime takes it down in a single shot, unless Ursaring Prime has an Expert Belt. If it does, Donphan can still OHKO it if Ursaring already has one damage counter on it (likely if paired with Typhlosion). Also, an Expert Belt Donphan OHKOs Ursaring in any case, but what are the odds of a Donphan deck having an Expert Belt?

You wanna know something? I like Dialga G lv X. If it weren't for that card to level the playing field, cards like this would run all over the place. But Dialga G lv X does exist, and it does a good job of ruining Ursaring's fun. Donphan Prime and Dialga G lv X see a lot of play, so that's why you're not going to be seeing much Ursaring. Rampardos from Platinum also OHKOs Ursaring, but no one is playing that deck anymore. Ursaring has other problems, such as being a Normal pokemon with a heavy retreat cost. That's bad, because it means it can't benefit from Flygon's Rainbow Float.

Ursaring from UNLEASHED!!! gets a score of 3 out of 5.

There's no denying that this card has some serious, bone-crushing damage output. But there's not many decks that it will mesh well into, despite being a normal-type. It's further hurt by the fact that the cards that wreck it are the most popular cards in the current format. But once you see this card come into play, you will want to have one of those on your side.
1. Don't know what they mean by this, but I think it might. Some msy not even try to inflict damage to avoid it's body. The card is really good and a lot of fun to play. Playing it correctly can give you good results.

2. I know at least some decks use this card, I've seen many people use this in rouge decks.

3. Anything that damages your own Pokemon, this card can benefit from:
Donphan Prime's Earthquake
Unown P's power
Rainbow Energy's effect
Luxray GL Lv. X's Flash Impact
Typhlosion Prime's Afterburner

All these effects can give the necessary damage (counter(s)) needed for Berserk

4. 5/5, this card is the best card in the HGSS Unleashed set. For one damage counter and at least 1 DCE + 1 more energy (another DCE/Rainbow Energy/Fire Energy fromb After Burner/Upper Energy) It can deal 90 and discard a card (if you're lucky disrupt a good draw) or 120 to sweep many pokemon. If it had any more HP or if the attacks were cheaper, it would be broken. Combined with the strategies above or Expert Belt, it is a welcome addition to many decks.

5. Very fitting looking card, that Ursaring is about rip you a new one.
dmaster said:

Guiding questions:
1. How does the card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or have potential? Is it worth being played?
2. What popular metagame decks is it used in?
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
5. How's the artwork?

Posts MUST be several sentences long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted - this forum is to discuss specific cards so other people can learn about their potential in the current metagame.

1)On is own, the highest potential for Ursauring Prime is limited to when you play it... Early game, this card's unstoppable (and its attacks are cheap to use as well), and the Berserk Poke-Body is good beyond reason. However, this card is too weak to compete with most things your opponents could pack in the late game. By the last sentence, I meant that your opponent's pokemon are almost always evolved pokemon that will have a much easier time knocking out Ursaring Prime with its weak 110 HP. So, unless you either have a way to;
A)Play and utelize Ursaring Prime in the early game
B)Heal and/or increase Ursaring Prime's HP
Then, don't bother playing this card in a deck.

2)This pokemon came out too recently for people to come up with a popular metagame for it.

3)It would best be used in a Cherrium/Expert Belt Kind of deck that would allow this pokemon to be healed and get the HP/ATK power boost it needs to be useful in a deck.

4)I would rate this card 4/5 because of its heavy-duty strength. Overall, I personally would not play this card in a deck. But I would still reccomend it to any new players especially. Because, combined with certain cards like the ones mentioned above, Ursaring Prime is a powerful and simple card to use if you know how.

5)2.5/5. I don't really like the artwork of most primes. That's because I played pokemon cards from back when they actually showed the BODY of the pokemon in the picture. Now all they show is the face and a hand, really?! I don't care how cool the face looks, they are still just showing the face!!!!
1. How does this card stand on its own? Is it good, bad, or has potential? Is it worth playing?

Ursaring may have some potential on its own. Its Poke-body, Berserk, turns it into one fearsome attacker by making it add 60 more damage to its attacks if it has any damage counters on it. Its attacks also can hit for 30 (Hammer Arm) and 60 (Megaton Lariat). Hammer Arm, for three, can discard the top card of an opponent's deck, causing some disruption. Megaton Lariat just does a simple 60 for four. Now, combine the damage with the Poke-body, and then you have Hammer Arm hitting for 90, and Megaton Lariat hitting for 120. This just shows that Ursaring really becomes one dangerous attacker, but the problem with it is that it relies on DCE too much since the attacks are pretty expensive. I would say that Ursaring can have some potential on its own, but it may not really be worth playing right now.

2. What popular metagame decks is it used?

There are really no popular metagame decks Ursaring Prime is used in right now. The one that comes close enough, however, is Donphan/Ursaring. You use Donphan to damage your bench, including Ursaring, so that you can activate the Body. Then, you pull out Ursaring to hit for a lot of damage. Otherwise, I don't really expect this card to be used that much in competitive play.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?

The combo with Donphan Prime sounds interesting, but I have thought about other, faster options to using Ursaring Prime. One option I thought about was obviously Rainbow Energy. Rainbow works well with Ursaring because when you attach the Rainbow to a Pokemon, you put one damage counter on that Pokemon. In this case, you attach the Rainbow onto Ursaring, and that activates the Poke-body instantly. This is one combo I thought about with Ursaring.

Another combo I thought about is using Unown ! from LA. Basically, its Poke-power lets you flip a coin. If heads, you put two damage counters on one of your opponent's Pokemon. If tails, you put two damage counters on one of your Pokemon. In this case, I hope to get tails, and if I do, I'll put the two damage counters on Ursaring, also activating the Poke-body. Of course, because of the flip, you may not always get tails, but if you get heads, you can still use the Unown as if it was a Pluspower for Ursaring. That's another nice combo I thought about with Ursaring.

4. Give it a rating and explain why you would give it that rating.

I would give Ursaring Prime a 2/5. This card certainly has a dangerous Poke-body that can cause it to hit for even more damage than it usually can. It has a nice to disrupt too, where you can discard the top card of an opponent's deck thanks to its first attack. Its type is nice, as it can hit a Garchomp C or Flygon with weakness. Of course, this card does have problems. First off, its weakness isn't too good right now, as Donphan and Machamp will easily take it down. Secondly, its attacks are too costly, so it makes the card slower. This, in turn, makes Ursaring unable to keep up with most of the current popular decks.

5. How's the artwork?

The Ursaring Prime artwork does look impressive. Wataru Kawahara did an impressive job making it. The artwork looks so good that it makes it have the feel as if a bear is coming right at you during a Pokemon battle.