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Trades (US) omahanime - added Boundaries Crossed - updated April 24

RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Feb 27

So the only ones I didn't ask for are Gothiruselle and Doryuzu. So I guess if you could add those that would be good.
I guess I'll make another offer because there has been some changes.

Sealed Pack of Lucian's Assignment/Upper Energy
Sealed Pack of Cynthia's Guidance/Volkner's Philosophy
Azelf (Diamond & Pearl-Legends Awakened, 19/146) - - League
Metal Energy (HeartGold SouldSilver-Undaunted 80/90) - - League
Steelix (HeartGold SoulSilver-Unleashed 24/95) - - League
Fire Energy - - 2010 POP Player Rewards
BASIC Metal Energy - - 2010 POP Player Rewards
88/95 Grass Energy Call of Legends
91/95 Lightning Energy Call of Legends

1-1-1 Daikenki
1-1 Tsunbear
1-1 Zoroark
1 Zekrom
1 Gothiruselle
1 Doryuzu
1-1 Mebukijika
1-1 Janovy
1 Zebraika
1 Tepig
2 Buffalon
1-1-1 Hahakomori
1-1 Zuruzukin
1-1-1 Kenhorou
1-1 Wargle
1-1 Waruvile
1-1 Denchura

Is that to much? To be honest I just picked some random B/W stuff and added it to the trade. XD
If that's to much on either side, you want more, or just whatever please let me know. Thanks.
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Feb 27

It seems like we are getting further apart on this trade.
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Feb 27

I'm sorry, am I asking for to much? To be completely honest I just threw out a trade so you could counter it or whatever. I can easily take stuff out of the trade if you want me to. Some of that stuff I don't want that badly I'm just trying to get whatever I can get. It's also pretty hard to put values on some of these cards. :/

Edit: Do you want to counter the offer? or have me make another offer? Let me know, thanks.
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Feb 27

from CoL I have:
2/95 Deoxys
3/95 Dialga
6/95 Groudon
10/95 Houndoom
Azelf LA - LP
special metal energy - HGSS - LP
Steelix HGSS - LP

I don't really see any of my wants in your haves.. but if you'll CML to see if we can work something out
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 8

carlitosbob said:
from CoL I have:
2/95 Deoxys
3/95 Dialga
6/95 Groudon
10/95 Houndoom
Azelf LA - LP
special metal energy - HGSS - LP
Steelix HGSS - LP

I don't really see any of my wants in your haves.. but if you'll CML to see if we can work something out
How many Pokemon Collector are you looking for?
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 8

as many as I can get my hands on.
I do also need an Uxie, but dunno if you've got one to "spare" to throw in on a trade. I guess, make me an offer and we'll go from there.
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

Do you still want to work out a trade? I'm sorry if I threw you off with my last offer.
Could we do:
Sealed Pack of Lucian's Assignment/Upper Energy
Sealed Pack of Cynthia's Guidance/Volkner's Philosophy
Azelf (Diamond & Pearl-Legends Awakened, 19/146) - - League
Metal Energy (HeartGold SouldSilver-Undaunted 80/90) - - League
Steelix (HeartGold SoulSilver-Unleashed 24/95) - - League
Fire Energy - - 2010 POP Player Rewards
BASIC Metal Energy - - 2010 POP Player Rewards
88/95 Grass Energy Call of Legends
91/95 Lightning Energy Call of Legends

1-1-1 Daikenki
1-1 Tsunbear
1-1 Zoroark
1 Zekrom
1 Gothiruselle
1 Doryuzu
1-1-1 Kenhorou
1-1 Mebukijika
1-1 Janovy
1-1 Waruvile
1-1 Zuruzukin
1 Zebraika
1 Tepig
2 Buffalon

Please let me know or counter offer, or tell me if you don't want to trade, thank you.
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9


I don't think we will be able to come to an agreement.
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

Can you CML for your
145/146 Rhyperior LV.X
121/123 Electivire LV.X

RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

DTartagOne said:
Can you CML for your
145/146 Rhyperior LV.X
121/123 Electivire LV.X


The only things I saw were
6/95 Groudon
19/95 Palkia
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

Ok, yes they are for trade, let me know what you would trade for them
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

Why not? You're not even telling me what's wrong with the trade. You could counter offer.... But if you don't want to trade all I can say is whatever. :/
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

DTartagOne - make offer please

Afro-G, These are the cheapest prices on eBay of the cards I could find. Cards you are offering $18.07 my cards you want $51.55

Sealed Pack of Lucian's Assignment/Upper Energy
Sealed Pack of Cynthia's Guidance/Volkner's Philosophy
Azelf (Diamond & Pearl-Legends Awakened, 19/146) - - League 2.99
Metal Energy (HeartGold SouldSilver-Undaunted 80/90) - - League 2.5
Steelix (HeartGold SoulSilver-Unleashed 24/95) - - League 2.5
Fire Energy - - 2010 POP Player Rewards
BASIC Metal Energy - - 2010 POP Player Rewards
88/95 Grass Energy Call of Legends 5.5
91/95 Lightning Energy Call of Legends 4.58

1-1-1 Daikenki 4.8
1-1 Tsunbear 4.8
1-1 Zoroark 10
1 Zekrom 14.99
1 Gothiruselle
1 Doryuzu
1-1-1 Kenhorou 5.99
1-1 Mebukijika 4.99
1-1 Janovy
1-1 Waruvile
1-1 Zuruzukin
1 Zebraika
1 Tepig
2 Buffalon 2.99 each
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

How about:
121/123 Electivire LV.X
6/95 Groudon
19/95 Palkia
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

week 03/07 - 03/13 = bump 1
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

week 03/14 - 03/20 = bump 1
RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

2/95 Deoxys
5/95 Forretress
6/95 Groudon
10/95 Houndoom
11/95 Jirachi
92/95 Psychic Energy

your: donphan prime

also interested in your Feraligatr prime and Rotom UD
CML for more stuff?

RE: omahanime - added Call of Legends - updated Mar 9

ogeray said:
2/95 Deoxys
5/95 Forretress
6/95 Groudon
10/95 Houndoom
11/95 Jirachi
92/95 Psychic Energy

your: donphan prime

also interested in your Feraligatr prime and Rotom UD
CML for more stuff?

I am also interested in your

Psychic energy

SHINY Dialga
SHINY Deoxys
SHINY Rayquaza