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Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

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RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

@QuestionMarx interested in Azelf Lv. X, Charizard ARs, Spiritomb (AR pl, or just PL pl?), Crobat G, BTS, and the other Lv. X of course. I have a RH Lost Remover now too (and 3 total)!

@absol101 link to your trade thread? I only see a ref thread and "my deck" right now.
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

No I already have that card. the only other smeargle I need other than the one you have are the COL version and the 1st edition of the neo discovery holo and JNP ones.
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

i sent u the pm, please lmk how many azelf promo do u want


sorry i just reread ur offer in this thread : ( i am agree with ur offer :) )

my :
18 Azelf LP & 2 Machamp SF

Giratina Lv. X pack, DPL top, DCL top, 4 RH palme'rs, 4 RH twins, 2 rh seeker, 1 rh dce

i want to add the azelf for the pop energy, how many do u have for trade in total?

RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

Sorry here it is.

RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

@Radical all right then, if you are ready to confirm we can unless you want to trade for a CoL too

@ash_satoshi all your Azelf LP + 5 Machamp SF for PDL top, DCL top, 4 RH palmer, 4 RH twins, 2 rh seeker, 4xdark energy, 4x fighting energy, 4x fire energy, 4x leaf energy, 4x lightning energy, 4x metal energy, 4x psychic energy, 4xwater energy all pop?

@absol Machamp Prime, Yanmega Prime, Absol Prime, Jumpluff HG, Machamp SF? I could replace the primes with lesser cards, but you do not seem to have much.
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

are all the energy the player reward promo?could u throw 4 RH rare candy?

RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

what would you want for the COL smeargle?
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

Wait I only want the Joilteon * now what is your offer for that?
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

Ok, revised offer.
1x Toxicroak G DP41

for my

x4 Expert Belt LP
x1 Mesprit LA
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

My: Gengar SF x1 (Troll and Toad is 7$)

Your: Garchomp C SV x1 (Troll and Toad is 4$)
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

@ash_satoshi they are all pop I meant, and no I could not throw in rare candy RH like that, but I could with -1 on all the energy or something

@Radical Blaziken FBx2?

@absol Machamp Prime, Yanmega Prime, Jumpluff HG, Machamp SF

@Adrian Jumpluff HS, Absol G, Vileplume UD, 2xExpert Belt LP?

@Gengar nah, that price is ebay unrealistic and it not be enough for me to make an online trade for, I would have in real life :mad:
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

Absol G is traded, so is Vileplume.
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

No thanks.
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

ooh okay let me summarize the trade:

5 non holo machamp sf
40 azelf promo

1 PDL top
1 DCL top
4 RH palmer
4 RH twins
2 rh seeker
4xdark energy
4x fighting energy
4x fire energy
4x leaf energy
4x lightning energy
4x metal energy
4x psychic energy
4x water energy
could u throw 1 rh pokemon communication and 1 another pop energy for the psychic?i gonna throw 2 sableye SF for those too

RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

Alright. Well how about this. I have both AR(LP/Pack) and TR Spiritomb(1 RH)

2x Charizard (AR)
Any LV. X besides Mewtwo and Azelf

3x Lost Remover(1 RH)
2x Absol G X

This is just a random offer. Feel free to change it.
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

I have: xX Azelf LP (Lmk how many), 1x Gyarados SF Holo (Theme Deck), 1x Sableye SF RH, and 1x Charizard AR Holo.

I was interested in your 1x Sableye SF, 2x Gyarados SF, 1x Regice LA (highly), 2x VS Seekers, 1x Warp Energy SF all regular. CML/LMK.

dmaster out.
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

just wondering if you found karens VS umbreon or any VS holos yet?
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

@Adrian 2 Jumpluff HS, 3 Expert Belt LP?

@absol101 thanks for your time

@ash_satoshi I think I am going to have to pass - in the last week it seems like the azelf lp price tanked from $5 on ebay to $2-3 on ebay :( sorry for the wasted time, we can still totally rearrange with other cards if you want though

@garchomp screams rawr 2xBTS, Gallade 4 Lv. X., Seekerx2, Palkia G Lv. X, Starptor GL Lv. X, Rayquaza C Lv. X, Charizard G, Machamp SF, Azelf LP, 2xPokemon Communication would still be acceptable for me

@Marx raichu X? I could go for that trade with that


your: 1x Gyarados SF Holo (Theme Deck), 1x Sableye SF RH, and 1x Charizard AR Holo, Kingdra Prime, 2 Steelix Prime
my: 1x Sableye SF, 2x Gyarados SF, 1x Regice LA (highly), 2x VS Seekers, 1x Warp Energy SF

feel free to reject or counter

@binx345 not yet :( it was not in the mint stuff, and I have not gotten around to organizing the not mint stuff yet since I have a billion things to do
RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good!

5 non holo macham sf for 4 rh palmer?
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