US reveals size of nuclear arsenal


Lost in my own mind, please send help...
The article says that in a press conference today Hillary Clinton was instructed by the white house to reveal the size of our nuclear stockpile of some 5113 nuclear warheads. After reading the article I started thinking about what this means for our country in terms of the war on terror and what other countries abroad would think. While at the same time this number could always be guessed at to within a few hundred by any other country I am appalled that it was revealed in the first place. Why is it the business of any other country how many nukes we have? They know we have them and they know we could destroy the world five times over if we wanted to. But it is really the principle of the matter I am questioning. Is it really going to stop Iran from building nukes? If anything they are probably just set the quota for the amount they need to 5114. Why would our president think that by revealing the amount of nukes we have Iran and North Korea will say, oh well we tried, may as well give up. It is the intention of radical Islamist to wipe us and our way of life off the face of the planet. They are not simply going to up and stop just because we have a lot of nukes. In case no one has noticed they are strapping bombs to themselves and walking into crowds and hitting the ignition, do we really believe that someone like that is going to stop building their own nukes simply because we have a lot?
I am curious to know what the rest of you think. Without calling ANYONE names I would like to debate the issue if I may.
The world seems so scary right now if you think about it, anybody anywhere could just get nuked any second, ya know?
indeed out dated, why do the state's need to oppress a nation for having nuke's when they have enough to total the world? if anything i fear the man holding the gun instead of the man being oppressed by the gun. cya
^ i have the same question. now everyone knows what we have. so they know what they are up against.
I've never seen that chart before and now I'm more scared than ever. I did not know that Pakistan and Isreal both had nukes. With the Taliban already active and spreading like wildfire in Pakistan I'm surprised that a nuke has not been stolen and used already. As far Isreal goes I know that they would not have used them in the past, however with the president so flagrantly dissing them, in their faces no less, I would not be surprised if they now harbor negative feelings towards us. That aside though why haven’t the Taliban already gotten a hold of one in either country?

To answer psyburn's question it was revealed in an attempt to get Iran as well as other countries to be more transparent with their nuclear arms. However even Ahamdinejad has said it was a futile effort to pressure them into abandoning their nuclear program. However now the Obama administration will tell you no it was never for that reason (even though it was).
Why would that even be revealed? It's not going to help at all against the Taliban, who now probably already know what they're going to be facing.

And if I'm right, then the chart says that the US has 10 times what you need to wipe humanity off the face of the earth. That's pretty scary to think about.
psyburn, every hear of a band called system of a down? if not or so, the song Cigaro. that pretty much sum's it up. the state's has wanted international supremacy since the 1900's and they do to this day, and with a nation that want's international supremacy they want to have more then the next guy. so really it's just a whole excuse to show off to the world, kinda stupid if you ask me. cya

P.S. it's not just the taliban, or one single nation it's international supremacy that the usa want's
novadragon07 said:
With the Taliban already active and spreading like wildfire in Pakistan I'm surprised that a nuke has not been stolen and used already.

How do you steal a massive nuke?
mr. random, the chart is saying if we combined them all in the world, we still do not have enough to completely destroy everything.

zenith - just the destruction radius. if you'd like, you can remake it including the effects that the particles would cause on the chain from just one. but i believe this chart is just saying if all the nukes were sent off at once not leaving any chance/time for a fallout effect to occur.
varit said:
P.S. it's not just the taliban, or one single nation it's international supremacy that the usa want's

The US doesn't want international supremacy. They have international supremacy! They have been the most powerful and influential country on earth for more than a century. Heck, even the U.N. is stationed in new york. Now I agree that it's scary that one single country has soo much power, but I would much rather have america be on top than a group of radicals like the taliban.

As for the nukes, I don't think we have anything to worry about. It's not like america is going to nuke the middle east, and since the americans have that many nukes nobody is going to mess with the US or any of it's allies.
it was revealed in an attempt to get Iran as well as other countries to be more transparent with their nuclear arms.

So they did it as a means of intimidation?
psyburn said:
So they did it as a means of intimidation
Basically if other country see the US have them then they won't attack them with their nuclear weapons.
Ice Espeon said:
How do you steal a massive nuke?

How do you steal a massive super tanker off the coast of somalia? The somalian pirates found a way.

Don't think it could not be done. Even if they did not "steal" it all they would have to do is get into the missile silo and hijack it.

Dark Marc said:
Basically if other country see the US have them then they won't attack them with their nuclear weapons.

That is the THEORY. The problem with said theory is that when you are dealing with radicals they dont really care what you do back to them only that they are successful in their original plans. i.e. kill lots of innocent people.
Mr. Random said:
Why would that even be revealed? It's not going to help at all against the Taliban, who now probably already know what they're going to be facing.

And if I'm right, then the chart says that the US has 10 times what you need to wipe humanity off the face of the earth. That's pretty scary to think about.

No, it's saying there's not enough nukes in the world to completely wipe out civilization.
it doesn't matter if you have or if you want international supremacy, you'll always want more man, especially if there is alot of nation's that are competing for it. and as for the nuke thing, is not a state of safety to tell people how many bomb's you have if they can just go over it with a plane, or some country nuke's or bomb's us all to kingdom come. safety does not come from baring the biggest stick, it come's from knowing the outcome of an effect before it happen's. cya
I still dont understand why you would even want to tell the world the amount of nukes you hold...

All it probably will do is motivate the enemies to construct more nukes to rival that of the USA. Do they ever think things through?

Anyway, Iran could have like 1 nuke or a million (thats why everyone is scared of them, the fear of the unknown). They have never explicitly stated the power they hold, all the US have done have put themselves at a disadvantage. I also expect that not to be the real value anyway, they would have to monumental idiots if they actually did.