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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: HGSS Update!

Yeah it's unlisted because I haven't had the time to add cards to it and organize. I have a Holo Quagsire HG/SS.
RE: HGSS Update!

I have off of your wants
Luxray national
Blaziken Fb Holo

i need these if you have them lmk
donphan prime
ampharos prime
alph lithograph

i also have a red gyarados if you are interested
RE: HGSS Update!

I have a Ho Oh Legend Bottom Half and interested in 4 of your Spiritomb PA and 6x Pokemon Rescue PT.

feel free to CML to see if there is anything to throw in with the Ho Oh.

http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)
RE: (H)Over 50,000 cards now listed!! Holo energy!! (W) What you got?

Shakespeare said:
Oh yeah...Now all my unlisted stuff is now up.
Checking your list... will update this later.

*edit* I have HGSS booster boxes coming, I am not sure what I need until I get them. You in a big rush for these? Looks like about 40 in trade value.

yea, kinda...I'm not in an extreme hurry, but I would like to get those ASAP

as far as what I would take for those 2...lemme check on the average for those, and I will let you know what I find

***EDIT*** - after checking averages, both cards come out to about a total value of $27...Alph = $16.50, Ho-Oh Bottom = $10.50...is there anything else on my list you would be interested in...also, I am interested in your Jumpluff (HGSS) x2 (1RH, 1holo)
RE: HGSS Update!

DJ Hype Vibes said:
Yeah it's unlisted because I haven't had the time to add cards to it and organize. I have a Holo Quagsire HG/SS.

The only 2 real playable holos in the set are Ninetales and Jumpuff.
The Nocowl and Quagsire are not high on by wants.

konter_j8902 said:
I have off of your wants
Luxray national
Blaziken Fb Holo

i need these if you have them lmk
donphan prime
ampharos prime
alph lithograph

i also have a red gyarados if you are interested

The national Luxray interests me the most.
I can do the Donphave prime for it.

the crippler 18 said:
I have a Ho Oh Legend Bottom Half and interested in 4 of your Spiritomb PA and 6x Pokemon Rescue PT.

feel free to CML to see if there is anything to throw in with the Ho Oh.

http://pokebeach.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=45685 (Trade Thread)

I have a trade pending for the Ho-Oh bottom.
The only other thing I see is your Cresslia X.
Are you interested in trading that?
RE: (H)Over 50,000 cards now listed!! Holo energy!! (W) What you got?

qnetykz said:
yea, kinda...I'm not in an extreme hurry, but I would like to get those ASAP

as far as what I would take for those 2...lemme check on the average for those, and I will let you know what I find

***EDIT*** - after checking averages, both cards come out to about a total value of $27...Alph = $16.50, Ho-Oh Bottom = $10.50...is there anything else on my list you would be interested in...also, I am interested in your Jumpluff (HGSS) x2 (1RH, 1holo)

Roseanne's Research x2 (2RH) = 10
Mesprit (LA) x3 (3RH) = 15

How about my five RH for your Alph and Ho-Oh bottom/
I so don't believe I am offering Rosies...

I don't have a RH Jumpluff.
RE: HGSS Update!

PkmTCGCollector said:
Flygon 5/111
Salamence LvX 98/99 - Low want

What you can give me for this?

I was checking your list when you PMd me.
It would have to be a real good deal for me to send to Portugal.
What, from my list, do you want.
I have the HGSS promos Nocowl and Hoothoot...

piplup234 said:
I have the National promo also, could I get your other donphan?

Sorry, I needed just the one.
RE: HGSS Update!

I have several of your wants(some unlisted) VERY interested in Luxray GL LV.X? Please CML for it(I'm also willing to put cash into the deal as well.)
RE: HGSS Update!

CML for all your HP Water Energies and PK Water Energies and Feraligatr Prime. If not all, then some of each would be nice. lol
RE: HGSS Update!

I have several of your wants(some unlisted) VERY interested in Luxray GL LV.X? Please CML for it(I'm also willing to put cash into the deal as well.)

I don't know what you have if it is not listed.
Feel free to make an offer!
RE: HGSS Update!

Shakespeare said:
I was checking your list when you PMd me.
It would have to be a real good deal for me to send to Portugal.
What, from my list, do you want.
I have the HGSS promos Nocowl and Hoothoot...

The promos + The Moltres Reprint + Shiny swablu?
RE: HGSS Update!

Grizzly said:
CML for all your HP Water Energies and PK Water Energies and Feraligatr Prime. If not all, then some of each would be nice. lol

ALL? That is 39 HP holo energy cards.
I like your red gyrarados and maybe your Pt Shaymin.
RE: HGSS Update!

Which PT Shaymin? I have Damage Aid RH and I have 2 with Energy Blow(1 holo, 1 NH)
RE: HGSS Update!

Okay this is going by memory but I has these
3 RH Cyrus's Conspiracy(would like to get replaced w/ normals)
1 RH Poketurn
1 RH Power Spray
4 RH Energy Gain(dinged up)
4 Mesprit(LA, 1 RH)
1 Azelf(MT)
1 Infernape 4 LV.X
1 JPN Flygon LV.X
2 Blaziken FB(regular foil)
1 Azelf(LA, RH, must be replaced w/ regular)
1 Flygon(SW, regular holo)
1 Blaziken FB(RH)
3 Flygon(RR, RH)
1 Uxie LV.X
1 Jumpluff(HGSS)

Now that's everything I have off of your wants, not my offer.
RE: HGSS Update!

Grizzly said:
Which PT Shaymin? I have Damage Aid RH and I have 2 with Energy Blow(1 holo, 1 NH)

Shaymin X (if it is from the pack).
I value my HP holo energy about a buck each.
RE: HGSS Update!

I have Shaymin X, land form. Was there something else you wanted? Or just Shaymin X for your HP Water energies? Oh, what about the Power Keepers Water Energies or the Feraligatr Primes?