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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's, COINS, and Play Mats

I need your Flygon Lv. X, Flygon (SW), and Alakazam (MT)

All I have as far as your wants are 2 Beedrill (RR), Staryus (RR), Underground Expeditions, and I think Rhyperior 4 or Golem 4. I do however have Palkia G Lv. X, Palkia Lv. X, $$$, and a used Diamond version.

LMK if interested as I need the cards by Tuesday
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's, COINS, and Play Mats

I did not see anything for the Flygon I need.

I need reverse holos of these RR cards.
Underground Expedition
Rhyperior 4
Golem 4

I can trade a Alakazam for a couple of these.
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Flygon LvX, COINS, and Play Mats

Shakespeare said:
darksoulSP said:
How about my Turtwig and Piplup Burger King Platinum cards, POP 9 Garchomp, and POP 9 Pichu

for all of your holo energy cards (including Wizard's Rainbow)

I might be able to go 3 energies each but not all of them.

OK, then how about my Turtwig BK, Piplup BK, and POP9 Pichu for 3 of every holo energy?
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Flygon LvX, COINS, and Play Mats

darksoulSP said:
Shakespeare said:
darksoulSP said:
How about my Turtwig and Piplup Burger King Platinum cards, POP 9 Garchomp, and POP 9 Pichu

for all of your holo energy cards (including Wizard's Rainbow)

I might be able to go 3 energies each but not all of them.

OK, then how about my Turtwig BK, Piplup BK, and POP9 Pichu for 3 of every holo energy?

No thanks. 18 energy cards are too much. I have a 1st edition Neo Destiny Scizor I will trade for those 3.
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Flygon LvX, COINS, and Play Mats

Shakespeare said:
darksoulSP said:
Shakespeare said:
darksoulSP said:
How about my Turtwig and Piplup Burger King Platinum cards, POP 9 Garchomp, and POP 9 Pichu

for all of your holo energy cards (including Wizard's Rainbow)

I might be able to go 3 energies each but not all of them.

OK, then how about my Turtwig BK, Piplup BK, and POP9 Pichu for 3 of every holo energy?

No thanks. 18 energy cards are too much. I have a 1st edition Neo Destiny Scizor I will trade for those 3.

Dark Scizor? I can do that. Do you have any other Scyther/Scizor cards? (They could be any language too)

Also, please CML for the holo energies! :p
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Flygon LvX, COINS, and Play Mats

darksoulSP said:
Shakespeare said:
darksoulSP said:
Shakespeare said:
darksoulSP said:
How about my Turtwig and Piplup Burger King Platinum cards, POP 9 Garchomp, and POP 9 Pichu

for all of your holo energy cards (including Wizard's Rainbow)

I might be able to go 3 energies each but not all of them.

OK, then how about my Turtwig BK, Piplup BK, and POP9 Pichu for 3 of every holo energy?

No thanks. 18 energy cards are too much. I have a 1st edition Neo Destiny Scizor I will trade for those 3.

Dark Scizor? I can do that. Do you have any other Scyther/Scizor cards? (They could be any language too)

Also, please CML for the holo energies! :p

I have a 1st edition Gym Heroes (not Challenge) Rocket's Scyther.
What besides the 3 listed do you have to offer from my wants?
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

POP9: Garchomp, Lopunny, Gabite, Pichu
Burger King: Meowth
Cities: Dratini
Prerelease: Tropius
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

I have a RS Scyther ex too...
You have a RR Alakazam LvX?
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

cml for these please
Fan Rotom RT1 (2)
Heat Rotom RT3
Mow Rotom RT4
Wash Rotom RT5
Charon's Choice RT6
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

Shakespeare said:
I have a RS Scyther ex too...
You have a RR Alakazam LvX?

Ues I do, but I am not so willing to trade it for things that I can't use for my deck. :/

Was there anything I had that interested you for the Rocket's Scyther?
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

bobsasuke said:
cml for these please
Fan Rotom RT1 (2)
Heat Rotom RT3
Mow Rotom RT4
Wash Rotom RT5
Charon's Choice RT6

The only thing I see is your Mismagius GL LvX.
What do you need for it?

darksoulSP said:
Shakespeare said:
I have a RS Scyther ex too...
You have a RR Alakazam LvX?

Ues I do, but I am not so willing to trade it for things that I can't use for my deck. :/

Was there anything I had that interested you for the Rocket's Scyther?

Ok, I can understand that.
I was trying to help you fill another of your wants is all...

What do you want for the below?
POP9: Garchomp, Lopunny, Gabite, Pichu
Burger King: Meowth
Cities: Dratini
Prerelease: Tropius
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

idk if i will trade it for rotom stuff as of right now how high do you value it
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

I could do Dratini and Tropius for the 1st Edition Rocket's Scyther

Maybe also POP9 Garchomp, Gabite, and Pichu for Scyther EX?
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

bobsasuke said:
idk if I will trade it for rotom stuff as of right now how high do you value it

I value your migmagius kind of low, I really don't need it.
I might be trade a couple of Rotoms for it...
I was thinking any 2 of the Rotoms you listed.

darksoulSP said:
I could do Dratini and Tropius for the 1st Edition Rocket's Scyther

Maybe also POP9 Garchomp, Gabite, and Pichu for Scyther EX?

I was thinking all them for the Scyther ex...
I might be able to throw in a couple holo energies.
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

ok well i will for sure have to think about it
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

bobsasuke said:
ok well I will for sure have to think about it

I might be able to do 3 Rotoms..
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

ok well i looked at your list again and i need darkrai g is there anything you would want for that
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

The only thing is the Mismagius.
I wont do the dialga G for it (that is what you meant there is no darkrai g)
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

ok and there is a darkrai g its from RR lmk if you would do 3 rotoms for the mismagius
RE: Shakepeare (N)Infernape 4 LvX(H)Claydol, Flygon LvX, Rotoms, Charon's,

CML for GE Claydol