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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, (W)See my new wants!

Buttsurfer said:
Shakespeare said:
Hold on...
I need one of your Darkrai G too.

add in Giovanni's Nidoking and Brocks Rhydon?

The Giovanni's Nidoking is 1st edition...
IF you really want it:
Your Ryhyperior Lv. X
Darkrai G x2

Giovanni's Nidoking
Mow Rotom
Base Zapdos

Medaforcer said:
Would you do Gardevoir PT for Rampardos PT?

PT Gardevoir 8/127
RR Bronzong 4 16/111 (RH)

PT Rampardos 13/127
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, (W)See my new wants!

Shakespeare said:
Buttsurfer said:
Shakespeare said:
Hold on...
I need one of your Darkrai G too.

add in Giovanni's Nidoking and Brocks Rhydon?

The Giovanni's Nidoking is 1st edition...
IF you really want it:
Your Ryhyperior Lv. X
Darkrai G x2

Giovanni's Nidoking
Mow Rotom
Base Zapdos

Medaforcer said:
Would you do Gardevoir PT for Rampardos PT?

PT Gardevoir 8/127
RR Bronzong 4 16/111 (RH)

PT Rampardos 13/127

Alright, Both my Darkrai G's and Lv. X Rhyperior
For your Mow Rotom, Giovanni's Nidoking, and Base Set Zapdos. Correct?
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, (W)See my new wants!

Buttsurfer said:
Shakespeare said:
Buttsurfer said:
Shakespeare said:
Hold on...
I need one of your Darkrai G too.

add in Giovanni's Nidoking and Brocks Rhydon?

The Giovanni's Nidoking is 1st edition...
IF you really want it:
Your Ryhyperior Lv. X
Darkrai G x2

Giovanni's Nidoking
Mow Rotom
Base Zapdos

Medaforcer said:
Would you do Gardevoir PT for Rampardos PT?

PT Gardevoir 8/127
RR Bronzong 4 16/111 (RH)

PT Rampardos 13/127

Alright, Both my Darkrai G's and Lv. X Rhyperior
For your Mow Rotom, Giovanni's Nidoking, and Base Set Zapdos. Correct?

Hope all 3 of your cards are mint to near mint.
Pming you information...

Medaforcer said:
Shakespeare said:
PT Gardevoir 8/127
RR Bronzong 4 16/111 (RH)

PT Rampardos 13/127

That'll be a deal, good buddy.

I hope your 2 cards are mint to near-mint.
Pming you information.
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, HOLO ENERGY!W)See my new wants!

Bump number 2 for the week.
Holo energy added!
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, HOLO ENERGY!W)See my new wants!

Palkia G LvX 125/127
Flygon 5/111 Holo, RH, or non holo from theme deck
Bebe's Seach 109/111 - RH or non holo

Flygon lv.X

Or CML please.
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, HOLO ENERGY!W)See my new wants!

stumpy271 said:
Please CML for Flygon X. Thanks!

Sorry, I didn't find anything.

SotH said:
Palkia G LvX 125/127
Flygon 5/111 Holo, RH, or non holo from theme deck
Bebe's Seach 109/111 - RH or non holo

Flygon lv.X

Or CML please.

No thanks. I can use the Flygon more than a Palkia.
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, HOLO ENERGY!W)See my new wants!

Did you CML?

I can offer more, Like Alakazam lv.X or Floatzel lv.X.
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, HOLO ENERGY!W)See my new wants!

SotH said:
Did you CML?

I can offer more, Like Alakazam lv.X or Floatzel lv.X.

I sure did. I liked your Leafeon LvX but it was Japanese.
I have quite a bit into the Flygon, I would need at least a Leafeon LvX and another good LvX card, and a GE Claydol. I gave way too much for it.
RE: (H)Flygon LvX, TSD, HOLO ENERGY!W)See my new wants!

Eewww, that's way too much for a flygon.
A 2 lv.X and a Claydol is too much for just a flygon lv.X....

Hhhmm, so no deal we can work out? Oh well.
RE: (H)TSD, HOLO ENERGY!!! (W)See my new wants!

I took it off my haves.
I have so much into it, I will never get out of it what I got into it.
I figured if I got a great deal I would trade it.
It don't seem fair to list it and tell everyone "no".

*edit* I put a notation telling my needs next to the card on my haves.
RE: (H) Flygon X, Claydol, Leafeon X, Dialga G X ROTOMS(W) See my wants!

Bump #1 for the week.
Leafeon X pulled out of my deck and now available!
RE: (H) Flygon X, Claydol, Leafeon X, Dialga G X ROTOMS(W) See my wants!

CML for dialga G X ( i think i traded that to you lol)
RE: (H) Flygon X, Claydol, Leafeon X, Dialga G X ROTOMS(W) See my wants!

renzamil said:
CML for dialga G X ( I think I traded that to you lol)

Matter of fact it is the same one!
You open the Pikachu World Collection?

Oh, I did check. I could not find anything but a new set will be out in a couple weeks. Maybe then...
RE: (H) Flygon X, Claydol, Leafeon X, Dialga G X ROTOMS(W) See my wants!

Could you CML for your Platinum BK Palkia, Piplup & Pichu?
RE: (H) Flygon X, Claydol, Leafeon X, Dialga G X ROTOMS(W) See my wants!

I don't have those BK promos.
Those are listed under my "Wants".
RE: (H) Flygon X, Claydol, Leafeon X, Dialga G X ROTOMS(W) See my wants!

lol I feel n00bish now. >.<

Plz CMT for these:
Shedinja EX Deoxys
Grumpig EX Dragon
Latias EX (EX Dragon)
Ludicolo EX Sandstorm
Solrock EX Sandstorm
Mawile EX Sandstorm
Gardevoir EX R/S

I'm interested in a load more, so CML for stuff.