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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Rikko145 said:
Please CML for Leafy x, a plain color deckbox, and some cool sleeves.

I dont have deck boxes or sleeves...
I did not see anything for the Leafy, sorry.
I really need a Luxray GL LvX...
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

cml for

Dialga G LvX 1 *
Palkia G LvX 1 ********
Alakazam 4 LvX***
Floatzel GL LvX******
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

konter_j8902 said:
cml for

Dialga G LvX 1 *
Palkia G LvX 1 ********
Alakazam 4 LvX***
Floatzel GL LvX******

I didn't see much, sorry.
Looking for Luxral GL X and Flygon X...
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

ok how bout this

5x holo water energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo grass energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo psychic energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo fighting energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo electric energies (Holon Phanotms)
5x holo fire energies (Holon Phanotms)
2x holo Psychic Energies (Emerald)
2x holo water energies (Emerald)
3x Rare Candy (GE)

Total Energies= 34
Total other cards I need=3
Total cards all together= 37

Blaziken FB Lv.X
Rhyperior Lv.X (PACK)
Giratina Lv.X (PACK)

pm to confirm. BTW: i really need those rare candies. so I ask that you would pls throw them into the deal.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

SSBBDaisy said:
ok how bout this

5x holo water energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo grass energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo psychic energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo fighting energies (Holon Phantoms)
5x holo electric energies (Holon Phanotms)
5x holo fire energies (Holon Phanotms)
2x holo Psychic Energies (Emerald)
2x holo water energies (Emerald)
3x Rare Candy (GE)

Total Energies= 34
Total other cards I need=3
Total cards all together= 37

Blaziken FB Lv.X
Rhyperior Lv.X (PACK)
Giratina Lv.X (PACK)

pm to confirm. BTW: I really need those rare candies. so I ask that you would pls throw them into the deal.

Sorry. I do not have rare candy to trade.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

do you have any mr.mimes from MT???
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

SSBBDaisy said:
do you have any mr.mimes from MT?

I have one Mr Mime RH from MT.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

will you add that in and can we confirm? :D :D :D :D :D
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

SSBBDaisy said:
will you add that in and can we confirm? :D :D :D :D :D

How about your:
Luxray GL LvX - I sooooo don't need a 5th Blaziken FB X, sorry.
34 holos
Mr Mime RH
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Ok, so it's

My (All Pack)
Shaymin Sky X x2 = 20 Energy
Giratina X = 10 Energy
Rhyperior X = 8 Energy
Regigigas X = 7 Energy
Total of 45

{L} x33 PK
{P} x12 PK

if good, PM me. If you want, I can throw in more X's to make a bigger deal. LMK
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

awe. I can't do that. Come on. Pls can we just do the other trade. Plus thats a freaken rip off. LMK if you decide to do the other trade. Because I'm not trading the lux x for a bunch of energies whether there holo or not. Pls lmk.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

SSBBDaisy said:
awe. I can't do that. Come on. Pls can we just do the other trade. Plus thats a freaken rip off. LMK if you decide to do the other trade. Because I'm not trading the lux x for a bunch of energies whether there holo or not. Pls lmk.

I totally understand about not wanting to trade Luxray GL X for energy.
I just don't need another Balziken FB X, sorry.

geo15721 said:
Ok, so it's

My (All Pack)
Shaymin Sky X x2 = 20 Energy
Giratina X = 10 Energy
Rhyperior X = 8 Energy
Regigigas X = 7 Energy
Total of 45

{L} x33 PK
{P} x12 PK

if good, PM me. If you want, I can throw in more X's to make a bigger deal. LMK

I am more interested in working the Luxray GL X into this trade and taking out 1 of the Shaymins (if necessary).
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

So it looks like I won't be able to trade the Cresselia:(,
but I could trade the Gardevoir Lv.X
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

well what other xs can I trade to get more energy pls. :*( :(
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

I want Alakazam 4 Lv.X and 2 unown g.

I have 1 Nidoqueen RR (rh) and a Blaziken FB (reg holo) from your wants.

You will probaly want to find a couple more of my cards though.

l The link is in my sig!
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

Noooooo......Luxray X for holo Energies? Negative. I will hardly trade anything for him. He's only for sale.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

YourP1MP said:
So it looks like I won't be able to trade the Cresselia:(,
but I could trade the Gardevoir Lv.X

Gardy X sounds like a winner.
With the new set coming out it is about the only thing I will trade for (Luxray GL X and Flygon X).

What did you want for the Gardy X?

SSBBDaisy said:
well what other xs can I trade to get more energy pls. :*( :(

Luxray GL Lv.X
Blaziken FB lv.X
Staraptor FB Lv.X
Garchomp C Lv.X
Magmortar Lv.X
Electrivire Lv.X
Magnezone Lv.X
Ryperior Lv.X

I really need the Luxray GL X.
I would be willing to trade all the energy you need if some how it is included.
Maybe a combo of energy and LvX on my end??

Something like this...
50 energy
"so and so" LvX

Luxray GL X
Ekectivire X and/or Ryperior X, Magezone X.

geo15721 said:
Noooooo...Luxray X for holo Energies? Negative. I will hardly trade anything for him. He's only for sale.

I can understand that...
How about a Flygon LvX?
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

I know, with double colorless coming out, the value of Gardevoir will spike. I thought about this and decided to trade for a Gardy ( it cost me an arm and a leg to get it).

Do you still have the leafeon LvX
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

But you don't have any xs I need :(

How many energies could I get for

Lv.Xs. I really need your energies. I just can't trade Lux .X for energies. There are going to be xs I need from the newer sets coming out even the filler D:.
RE: (H)HOLO ENERGY, Staraptor FB X, Blaziken FB X, Absol G X, Floatzel GL X Dialga G X, Palkia G X(W)Flygon X, Luxray GL

YourP1MP said:
I know, with double colorless coming out, the value of Gardevoir will spike. I thought about this and decided to trade for a Gardy ( it cost me an arm and a leg to get it).

Do you still have the leafeon LvX

Yeah, I still have the Leafy X...
It would have to be a good deal for me to part with the Leafy....

SSBBDaisy said:
But you don't have any xs I need :(

How many energies could I get for

Lv.Xs. I really need your energies. I just can't trade Lux .X for energies. There are going to be xs I need from the newer sets coming out even the filler D:.

I understand not wanting to trade Luxray X for energies.
I am trying to get a hold of a Flygon X.

I can do 7 each for those 2 LvX cards...
I really don't need either of those, sorry.
If you want to get more I can do another 20 for the Blaze FB X.
Kind of brings us back to our original deal.