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Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

RE: Updated 11-30 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Mach said:
I personally value Lugia Ex at about 15-17 USD. I didn't want to make you feel like you were being ripped off. I'll rethink the deal, and post back when I'm done.

I don't feel ripped off. If your Lugia ex is the one out of the pack (not the promo from championship deck) it is worth more than 17 bucks. A lot more friend. Look at the back of the card. If it says "World Championship" on it, I don't need it. If the back looks like every other card I will make you a better deal for it. I don't want to rip YOU off.
RE: Updated 11-30 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Shakespeare said:
ESP said:
I have a Prerelease Stamped Buck's Training if you wanted it.

What did you want for it?

I would like some Shadowless cards. I don't know how much you value them but if you could make the offer, that would greatly be appreciated.
RE: Updated 11-30 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

I have a Prerelease Stamped Buck's Training coming.
To be honest, it will be hard to get them from me.
They hold more of a sentimental value to me.
Some are my original of the world cards.
If I do part with them it will be for something I really need (see my wants).
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

updated with current trades, more wants, more haves...
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

CML for:

Darkrai Lv. X (GE)
Darkrai #4 (GE,holo)

LMK thx!
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Do you have any Omastar MD? If you do, I'll trade Lugia Ex for Omastar MD, Phione MD, Zapdos MD, and Blissey MT?
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

PacMac tL said:
CML for:

Darkrai Lv. X (GE)
Darkrai #4 (GE,holo)

LMK thx!

I don't see anything on you haves that I really need. The Machamp LvX pending coming or pending going? I might be able to use that one. I really need a Raichu LvX!!

Mach said:
Do you have any Omastar MD? If you do, I'll trade Lugia Ex for Omastar MD, Phione MD, Zapdos MD, and Blissey MT?

3 holos and a rare? Hmmmm... I might be able to do that IF the Lugai ex is from Unseen Forces 105/115. It is the holo from the booster and NOT the one from the championship deck?
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Shakespeare said:
PacMac tL said:
CML for:

Darkrai Lv. X (GE)
Darkrai #4 (GE,holo)

LMK thx!

I don't see anything on you haves that I really need. The Machamp LvX pending coming or pending going? I might be able to use that one. I really need a Raichu LvX!

pending going im afraid.
i can add onto a magmortar lv. x to get the darkrai x and darkrai #4 (GE). LMK!
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

PacMac tL said:
Shakespeare said:
PacMac tL said:
CML for:

Darkrai Lv. X (GE)
Darkrai #4 (GE,holo)

LMK thx!

I don't see anything on you haves that I really need. The Machamp LvX pending coming or pending going? I might be able to use that one. I really need a Raichu LvX!

pending going im afraid.
I can add onto a magmortar lv. x to get the darkrai x and darkrai #4 (GE). LMK!

*sigh* I have a Magmorter LvX on the way also... maybe you can trade your for a Riachu LvX?
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Shakespeare said:
PacMac tL said:
Shakespeare said:
PacMac tL said:
CML for:

Darkrai Lv. X (GE)
Darkrai #4 (GE,holo)

LMK thx!

I don't see anything on you haves that I really need. The Machamp LvX pending coming or pending going? I might be able to use that one. I really need a Raichu LvX!

pending going im afraid.
I can add onto a magmortar lv. x to get the darkrai x and darkrai #4 (GE). LMK!

*sigh* I have a Magmorter LvX on the way also... maybe you can trade your for a Riachu LvX?

no i doubt that'll be possible but with 2 Magmortar Lv. X's just maybe..so how about it? need cards badly so yeaa please LMK thx!
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

I'm going to need a Shining or LvX from my wants for the Darkrai LvX (pack).
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Shakespeare said:
3 holos and a rare? Hmmmm... I might be able to do that IF the Lugai ex is from Unseen Forces 105/115. It is the holo from the booster and NOT the one from the championship deck?
Yes, it's from UF boosters. PM me, and I could ship tomorrow
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Shakespeare said:
I'm going to need a Shining or LvX from my wants for the Darkrai LvX (pack).

i can add onto Maggy X so it can tip in your favor just a bit..if not then ok, Thanks.
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

I bet it's hard to make a trade with someone who has almost every card already. :p But I'm going to try anyway!

Is there anything I could trade you for Umbreon ex? I have the BK Monferno promo. :p Just let me know what you're looking for, if anything, and I can check my collection.
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

tarealex said:
I bet it's hard to make a trade with someone who has almost every card already. :p But I'm going to try anyway!

Is there anything I could trade you for Umbreon ex? I have the BK Monferno promo. :p Just let me know what you're looking for, if anything, and I can check my collection.

Yeah, I am soooo sorry to everyone who is TRYING to find something on my wants. I really thought this would be easy. I do check lists and I try to help people out completing their sets. I will look and see what you have! I really need those two stupid "shining" Dexoys cards. I am VERY interstested in you Raichu LvX from Stormfront.
Unseen Forces Umbreon ex in mint to near-mint condition
Stormfront Raichu LvX (in mint to near-mint condition)
Monferno (Burgerking Diamond Pearl stamped promo)

PacMac tL said:
Shakespeare said:
I'm going to need a Shining or LvX from my wants for the Darkrai LvX (pack).

I can add onto Maggy X so it can tip in your favor just a bit..if not then ok, Thanks.

Sorry. I'm going to take another look at your list too. I'll PM if I find something!
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Did you see my above post? PM me if you want to finalize it
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Mach said:
Did you see my above post? PM me if you want to finalize it

I'm sorry I missed your post. Let me double check to see if I have everything. List says I do, but I want them in my hand first. Ok, I have them. You will need to send first. I am PMing you now.
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

I need:
2 Electivire SW
1 Uxie LA
1 Electabuzz SW

That's what I need. I might buy, but first LMK if you have them.
RE: Updated 12-2 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards

Mach said:
Did you see my above post? PM me if you want to finalize it

Omastar MD 26/100
Phione MD 12/100
Zapdos MD 14/100
Blissey MT5/123
Lugia ex UFO105/115

Pm the same info to you.

ESP said:
I need:
2 Electivire SW
1 Uxie LA
1 Electabuzz SW

That's what I need. I might buy, but first LMK if you have them.

Checking asap... I really didn't see anything I needed.
RE: Updated 12-5 ScanMaster Shakespeare TONS of 1st (first) edition cards Wizards

Few more "Haves" listed including a Shining Mew Delta from Dragon Frontiers.