RE: H: B/W!! GENGAR PRIME, UXIE X, LOST WORLD!! W: B/W, WC stuff, Misc stuff
ooh..That's Very tempting..though I may not need them if my gf pulls some..I gave my first 4 to her..and she said she would give me up to 4 back if she got any in her box (which I just got today, so she won't open it til the weekend) I'll cyl and see what else I may want ok?
I like shuckle promo..zekrom full art..any rh egains/collectors you may have..cml for them also rh juniper
I have research records..pachirisu (2 i think)..probably cleffas I'll have to check. I DO have a magnezone prime but would PREFER not to trade it. lmk thanks