RE: H: Base-Neo2 DP-UD LUXRAY LV X W: Random stuff
I don't have an extra rh energy gain..and even if I did I wouldn't trade something else I also need just to get +1 poketurn. CML for something else and I'll check your wants and see what I have
RE: H: Base-Neo2 DP-UD LUXRAY LV X W: Random stuff
wow really? if so I'll buy some from them..for some reason everyone's saying its 15-20..including a local player who got second worlds a few years back...Honestly I could use more for that price.
RE: H: Base-Neo2 DP-UD LUXRAY LV X W: Random stuff
Can I upgrade my Jumpluff and Bebe for my:
1x Power spray
4x SP radar
CML for more, and is there any way I can trade for a Uxie X I will trade amost anything for this!!!
Edit: I have Blissy PT RH!!