Added a bunch, subtracted a bunch, updated wants.
Added a bunch, subtracted a bunch, updated wants.
After looking at your list, I don't think I could trade away the FA Pokemon Ranger. However I can help you out with the Trainers Mail and x1 Flabebe and x1 Floette. Would it be possible to get pictures of the back of the Super Rod?I have
X1 buddy buddy rescue
And one RH super rod but it's back has lots of marker on it
I am still looking for
Fa Pokemon ranger
X2 m gardevoir ex sts
X3 m turbo
X1 trainers mail
X1 dragonite ex evo
x1x1x1 florgess line bkt
Any fairy Pokemon
And I have a question how do you store all your energy my binder is full to overflowing with energy and I have nowhere to put it.
https://mobile.twitter.com/minecraft7er/status/805802781613424640After looking at your list, I don't think I could trade away the FA Pokemon Ranger. However I can help you out with the Trainers Mail and x1 Flabebe and x1 Floette. Would it be possible to get pictures of the back of the Super Rod?
Yeah, I don't think I could make a trade for the Super Rod. But I could make an offer for your Buddy Buddy Rescue. I could trade x2 Gardevoir Spirit Link Reverse Holo for it, which over value since its not something you're explicitly looking for. It does add some nice bling to your deck though! If this seems fair, PM to confirm.https://mobile.twitter.com/minecraft7er/status/805802781613424640
Here's a link to the picture it's really messed up but it is just fine if you use sleeves
I haven't really been buying much product recently, sorryYo dude! I have a lot of those high/priority wants like the Hammers, Ultra Ball, Sycamore, etc. I don't really see anything cardwise, but do you have any sealed packs/product by chance!?
I think you may have the wrong thread. Here's a link to PokeFreaks trade pagehttp://www.pokebeach.com/forums/threads/usa-ww-xpokefreak72x-w-xerneas-break-h-vs-seeker.77203/@xPOKEFREAK72x I have a reverse Geomancy Xerneas and Xerneas BREAK in Mint condition...
You're in luck! Here's what I think I can do based upon your thread. My:Hey! i am interested in the following if you still have them?
x2 Team Magmas Secret Base
x4 Forest of Giant Plants
Gyarados AT Prerelease Promo
Jolteon 26/98
Zoroark BREAK
Updated Trade Thread