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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

I would, but you can only play english cards in america.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Juliacoolo said:
I would, but you can only play english cards in america.

Wrong, you just need to have it in a sleeve and have a print out translation from the official pokemon tcg site with you.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Juliacoolo said:
I would, but you can only play english cards in america.

No you Can play JAP cards ask anyone you just got to print of a Translate sheet of that card off the official website when the set comes out.
The Giratina Lv.X is in Perfect condition straight from pack I really would love to have a garchomp lv.x.I will throw in a little extra too.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Do you have any giritina regular?

Hmmm. Ok my: chomp X, other stuff, multiple x
Your: jap giritina x, 1 MD giritina, gardy line 2-3-2 or dusk X with dusk line
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

So does that mine you'd accept my trade? ;_;

venasaur Non holo SW
Blastoise CG Rare
typhlosion UF Rare
blaziken Galactic Conquest and or GE
swampert RH GE
infernape MD or DP
lugia deck holo UF
ho-oh Deck Holo and non holo UF
celebi EX Pop Holo
Entei Movie Promo
GE darkrai ( the one that comes in the deck)
energy search x2
Darkness energy x3
premier ball Rh

All of those for Giratina LV X?

Would you throw in torterra x promo or dialga misprint if you accept it?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Sorry I traded Gardevior

JAP Giratina LV.X
Giratina 28/127 Platinum
Some ralts and Kirlia
Dark Pulse Dusknoir

Garchomp Lv.X
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

No thanks. I'll consiter if I don't get a supporting cast for giritina X soon.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Well consider this one

venasaur Non holo SW
Blastoise CG Rare
typhlosion UF Rare
blaziken Galactic Conquest AND GE
swampert RH GE
infernape MD or DP
lugia deck holo UF
ho-oh Deck Holo and non holo UF
celebi EX Pop Holo
Entei Movie Promo
GE darkrai ( the one that comes in the deck)
energy search x2
Darkness energy x3
premier ball Rh
Giratina Origin Forme GF
Palkia G
Mismagius SF
Dusknoir Rare SF
Rayquaza EX DX
Mamoswine RH LA

All of those for Giratina LV X?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

No, sorry. Don't hesitate offeriong because I am starting to need some of those.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

I have Jolteon *, you asked about it?

Anything we could work out for Giratina Lv.X PT? Check my list and LMK.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Master darkrai: Give me a few days to think about it.
SR: Sorry, I'm playing him unless I get a shaymin deal. I'd say that, but I dont think you are supposed to.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Have any Uxie LA or Cradily LA?

If so, I got some of your wants.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

NATM. I might be playing them if the Jive members think my combo is good. I'll tell you if I will trade. anything else you are interested in? I have 2 mespirit LA.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Well, I need the Uxie. I will post in Jive now...but I need the Uxie if you find out you can spare them.

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

I do have 2 RH uxie's, but those will go up in vaue soon. Soon,you will be a ble to trade one for a lv.x. BTW, are you selling shaymin landX? It better not be 50.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

CML for Giratina LvX and for 4 skull fossil if you have them.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Not really. Never mind!
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Ok. Thanks for looking!
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. 4rth in platinum prelease. Giritina X!

Bump. _____/\______