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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. H: Shaymin lv.X, giritina X. Need rampardos,

Well, I am looking for platinum X's, what can i add to crobat for one.

If nothing for a X, I'll trade it for any platinum staple Rare.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

Do you have any craindos?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

I've got:

4 Skull Fossil
2 Carnidos Pt.
1 Rampardos Pt.
CML for more ( I've got alot more Platinum than that, Just ask for anything you want )

I need:

Shaymin LvX ( Land Form? )
Uxie LA ( if you have it? )
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

How many Toxicroak G do you have and can you CML for them if you have more than one.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

Please CML for your Giratina Lv. X. Thanks!
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

Raichu LV X for Rampardos Line JP PT?
or Rampardos Line MT English?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

Zeriant-english PT.
Stumoy and zangoosed- I will check.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

Sorry XD. I'll do all +1 more rampardos for shaymin sky.
Zeriant- I'll do my giritina for a dialga GX, and dialga G
Zangoosed-still checking.

Zangoosed- I'll do gigasX and giritina X for palkiaGX and mespiritX?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

Hmm... If I can get another Rampardos, I suppose. I only have one ATM.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

Ok. I'd need it 1-2 weeks before states.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

When's your States?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

the 21'st I think.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

So you would need them around the 7th then?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. Will trade X's for unknown G, and the rampardos line!

That would be good.
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. DESPRETLY NEED DECK WANTS!!!

I have 6 rare candies if youre intersted in buying
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. DESPRETLY NEED DECK WANTS!!!

I'l do .50X4. So 2.00 total? (I'm cheap) BTW, are you a verified seller?
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. DESPRETLY NEED DECK WANTS!!!

both nos. sorry, 2 is too low for 4 of them them, and no not a verified seller
RE: Juliacoolo's card dealership. DESPRETLY NEED DECK WANTS!!!

I'd bump it up to 1.00 each, and if i'm not mistaken, you aren't aloud to sell unless you have 15 refs.