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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

sorry they arent the reprints

would you do

garchomp c RH
articuno SV (non reprint)
zapdos SV (non reprent) RH
staraptor FB holo
buterfree FB RH

please accept or counter
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

karimsoliman94 said:
sorry they arent the reprints

would you do

garchomp c RH
articuno SV (non reprint)
zapdos SV (non reprent) RH
staraptor FB holo
buterfree FB RH

please accept or counter
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

No thanks, and I still see little I'd trade for. Sorry.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

Your Articuno Retro for my Jolteon EX(small crease at the top) and Volkner's Philosphy x1?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

If I recall correctly, I PM'd you saying that I no longer had them, as my SR's were stolen when I left them out. I do however have another moltres. Would that be substitutional?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

Sorry, my bad. I thought you got a new one in.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

Sorry about the confusion. WIll the moltres do?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

No thanks. I already have one. I am however interested in these cards:
Majestic Dawn( if they are nonholo)

Do you happen to have any MT cards?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

I'm sure I do, but nothing of value. Would you do one of them for jolteon?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

If it is not to much of a bother, could you take a look at my list to see if you have any MT cards I need? I am really close to getting the set done. The wanted MT cards are right above the have section.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

Do you have any Cherrim SF's?
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

I REALLY need a Blaziken FB.
I need it soon, so how many volkner's for 1 Blaze FB?
please LMK.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

Possibly Infernape 4X with some other stuff? Or I can just let you borrow it at all the tournaments.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

No I mean I just need a Blaziken FB, not the x, just a regular, unfortunately it has to be traded immediately(I counted how many I had wrong so yeah......:(
That's why I need it.
LMK via PM please.....
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

I know you needed the Regular one. I was wondering what I can add to get Infernape 4 X. Please reead my rules regarding your last sentence.
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

CML for
Mightyena PL (didnt see any)
and DGX
RE: Juliacoolo's Card Depot. Have Uxie League Promo

Oh, sorry I misread that sentence(I did read your rules) for Ape 4 X there wasn't anything you had that I would trade for Ape 4 X. Sorry.