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Trades [USA] JC Penny - Looking for bulk trades/whole deck

RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

Ok they do. As for the trade, I think that's a little too much for the two small items. Would you cut the oval badges or something?
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

OK I agree to to my pikachu and cyndaquil plush for your

4 pokeball badges- kin, floe, knot, and boon Please make sure thats what they are

if you a agree please send your address to me via PM
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

richkid50000 said:
CML for flygon X.
Nothing. Wait, do you have 2 lux X for trade?
coach4312 said:
cml for machamp lv x, flygon rr, flygon lv x, and dialga g lv x


Binx: I wouldn't be able to send till next monday, so I'll think about it during that span. I need to ask some people if they think it is a good trade.
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

My: slowking neo, 3 jolteon ex, 2 rare candy, 3 ssu, and chomp c x for your Flygon X. LMK if we can work something out ;)
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

No thanks. As I said before, I'm primarily looking for deck wants for some of my Higher caliber cards. Do you have a Luxray X?
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

No, sorry. Anything else smaller I could do for them?
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

Do you have a Leafeon holo from Majestic Dawn? It's the #7 from the set. If it's mint and holo, I can offer for it. I have Shuppets and one or two Expert Belt.
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

It's not holo

Ferrari: Nothing

Spartan: Not much.
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

ill trade you my garachomp C RH, and 2 expert belts for the charizards??
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

cml for dialga g lv x, shaymin land for lv x and blaziken fb x2, btw do you have any of my trainer wants?

RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

Sorry spardan. No.

Nothing, coach. Sorry.
RE: Save Money. Live Better. JC Mart. [H] Flygon X

I like your DGX, Giritina x non promo, flygon x, and magnazone x.

Shuppet PT
Uxie LA
Bucks training
Expert belt.

Luxray GL X3

what will this get me? I also have more of your wants. Plus CML.