Ok I have a lot of cards that may fit your collection wants plus my shinies. My effort to obtain Garchomp Lv X continues, so here's all what I got:
-Dark Charizard (Team Rocket. Holo)
-Dark Blastoise (Team Rocket. Holo)
-Feraligatr (Neo Genesis. Japanese. the one with downpour and riptide)
-Sceptile (Emerald)
-Blaziken (Emerald)
-Infernape DP
-Infernape MD
-Empoleon MD
-Movie Promo Entei
-Blister pack Raikou
I also have a lot of the commons and uncommons listed in your collection wants. Just ask. and once my SF Torterra comes back to me, I will be able to offer up my DP one as well. Some of Those plus Shiny voltorb and shiny Vulpix for a Lv X. Is THAT a rip too?
Also, I know I have an older Ho-Oh from the "Starter kit" somewhere as well as some of my older legendary dog cards.