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Trades [USA] TigerLilly's Trades Wants and Haves Updated

RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED HG/SS

Please CML for 1 Alph lithograph.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED HG/SS

I have Ninetales (H) HGSS...didnt seem them listed bu im looking for poketurn and warp point but im also interested in Mr. Mime MT
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED HG/SS

I'm interested in Luxray GL Lv. X. Don't know exactly what you would want for it but you can CML. Other than that CML for Jumpluff, thanks.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED HG/SS

I don't have a luxray GL X just the baic luxray gl I am looking for a Luxray GL Lv x....and for jumpluff woud you do 2 judge and 1 Emcee's Chatter?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED HG/SS

tiger-lilly said:
I don't have a luxray GL X just the baic luxray gl I am looking for a Luxray GL Lv x...and for jumpluff woud you do 2 judge and 1 Emcee's Chatter?
Done and done! PMing you now.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED Unleashed

Suicune & Entei Top Legend Piece
Floatzel from HSU

Kingdra EX
1 Vulpix shiny
1 Metagross HGSS
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED Unleashed

my dunsparce ul for your maneletric pl
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED Unleashed

the crippler - Sorry I just traded away the Metagross at league do you see anything else?
Steelix-Kid unless you will do 2 of the dunsparce ul then I don't think so....
Javier8100 I just traded away the jumpluff though I still go the mimes do you have any expert belts..if you would traide them would you do 2 belts or would you do 3 Pokemon Collector?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED Unleashed

Suicune & Entei Top Legend Piece
Floatzel from HSU

Kingdra EX
1 Vulpix shiny
1 Shiny Duskull
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED Unleashed

tiger-lilly said:
the crippler - Sorry I just traded away the Metagross at league do you see anything else?
Steelix-Kid unless you will do 2 of the dunsparce ul then I don't think so....
Javier8100 I just traded away the jumpluff though I still go the mimes do you have any expert belts..if you would traide them would you do 2 belts or would you do 3 Pokemon Collector?
i think i have 2 belts

tiger-lilly said:
the crippler - Sorry I just traded away the Metagross at league do you see anything else?
Steelix-Kid unless you will do 2 of the dunsparce ul then I don't think so....
Javier8100 I just traded away the jumpluff though I still go the mimes do you have any expert belts..if you would traide them would you do 2 belts or would you do 3 Pokemon Collector?
i think i have 2 belts
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED Unleashed

Crippler yea I will do that pm me to finalize
Javier if you do that traide then pm me to finalize

If I don't respond right away it's becasue I am gone and will not be back on till this thursday or friday....
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED Unleashed

cml for Kingdra EX