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Trades [USA] TigerLilly's Trades Wants and Haves Updated

RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED NEW UNDAUNTED CARDS

mscckater if you like you can pm me to finalize the trade....
nothing new...
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED NEW UNDAUNTED CARDS

CML for the following

1x Scizor PRIME
1x Energy Exchanger (RH)
3x Mesprit (LA)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED NEW UNDAUNTED CARDS

80baby I just traded the mesprit's away at league so I don't have them any more and I did not see anything else that I wanted unless you have a palmers and would trade that for the energy exchanger......crippler I will have to check on an old trade deal going on and if the person dose not respond by later today I will do that trade.
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED NEW UNDAUNTED CARDS

I have:

1 Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend bottom
1 Lugia Leg bottom half
x1 Absol g
x3 Palmer's Contribution

I want:


x1 Manectric
x1 Giratina #9
SP engine (depends whether RF)Poketurns/Cyrus Needed most (non RF even)


1 Haunter (RF)


1 Regice (RF)- In Traide (if you dont trade it)

My want list:

Major wants:

Infernape lv X (Pack NOT tin)
Regiice LA
Gengar SF
Manetric PT
torterra pl
Articuno SV
ttar prof binder (Preferably Sealed)
Vileplume EX (with trainer lock body)

Medium wants:
x1 Kingdra Prime
2 Machamp SF
Machamp lv X
Girantina PL 9
4 Unown R
X Pokemon Collector
Uxie X LA (I already have 3, so I won't give a Ton for them)
2 Call Energy

Low Wants:
2 X Garchomp C Lv.X Promo
2 RH Haunter SF
3 RH Gastly SF
3 RH Horsea LA
3 RH Seadra LA
3 RH Hoppip HGSS
3 RH Skiploom HG SS
1 RH Ambipom G
2 RH Charmander AR
2 RH Charmeleon AR
Uxie X WC
5 HG SS Fire energies
4 RH Phanphy HG SS
3 RH Vulpix PT
RH Staple Trainers/Supporters/Stadium

PM me if you have anything on the list and what you'll offer for what I have
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED NEW UNDAUNTED CARDS

Yea I can do that PM to confirm

1x Palmers Contribution

1x Energy Exchanger (RH)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~ ADDED NEW UNDAUNTED CARDS

Well crippler if you still want to do that trade for scizor for espeon then pm me....
mlouden03 would you do a Manectric, Giratina #9, 1 Call Energy, Articuno SV, and Torterra Pl for the Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend bottom?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

I am intrested in this

x1 Raichu (I need the RH)

Mysterious Treasures:
x1 Raichu (1 RF)
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

kurokitten do you have a foil fossil dito? Other wise I am intrested in your Jirachi from UL
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

No I dont have the holo ditto but I do have the Jirachi still^^
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

1 Mew Prime
and stuff from my wants list (see trade thread)

1 Lugia Leg bottom half
1 Ho-oh Leg. top half
1 Rayquaza & Deoxys Legend bottom
x1 Espeon Prime
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

would you do Mew Prime, Scizor Prime, Smeargle UD, and Manectric PL for = Espeon Prime, and Ho-oh leg. top half, and Lugia Leg. Bottom half?
RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides<.<~

only interested in mew prime now, wants were just updated