User tags!

I already told this to Limitless and everyone else in the chat room, but while you are free to voice your dislikes, know that WPM himself hand picked all the Pokemon that were used. ^o^

Also, colors are gone lol
Pandamore said:
PokeKid Brandon said:
I don't really like it. It is kind of distracting and I don't see what it gains people.

n00bs need things written out for them...


But it is =O
They're meant to be a replacement for all the silly colors/symbols we have, as well as the stars for staff.
I still do not see what it gains people. If people are to stupid to know that they are a member after they joined than they need to get banned.
I like them because it shows what each person is and it makes it easier for people to spot who we are and this will help newbies too.:)
PokeKid Brandon said:
I still do not see what it gains people. If people are to stupid to know that they are a member after they joined than they need to get banned.

As I said before, the purpose of the userbars is to simplify things. Members get one because WPM wanted them to. A userbar that says "Strategist" on it sends a much clearer message than a purple username ever could.
Or you could have a small symbol in which when you put your cursor over it, you would see the text saying "Mod" or whatever.
I did not know what the colors all meant except for mods and Super mods. I knew those but not the others. They look cool and much better.:)
Limitless said:
Or you could have a small symbol in which when you put your cursor over it, you would see the text saying "Mod" or whatever.

But then your ludicolo would miss you ]:
Just like smogon, right?

We can't do that.
PMJ said:
Just like smogon, right?

We can't do that.

Why is it not possible?

Kevin told me you couldn't have more than one image, not just one small symbol.
They will help me identify each person. Good Job WPM and everyone else. I would have never thought of this before. They sure stand out too.:)