Using Cards to Play


Aspiring Trainer
So I have recently started collecting Pokemon Cards, but mainly during the Plasma series of BW (Blast, Freeze, and Storm). The thing is, I have found out a few of my buddies play with their cards and I mainly just collect them and put them in a binder.

The problem I need a solution to is, how can I play with my cards I collect without ruining the condition of the card. I have a few EX cards I would want to use (most likely in playing sleeves of course) but I am just afraid of the cards getting bent, ripped, or just over exposed to touch and it decreases the value of my cards I value. I need help.
All of the more experienced players use sleeves and most of the non experienced players use sleeves too. You should use them 100%, otherwise shuffling will ruin your cards. Another option is to use Proxy Cards. You use lesser value cards in the place of the good cards in your deck. You can't use Proxy Cards in tournaments but in league or just playing with your friends those may be a good idea to use.
Sleeves have already been suggested, but there are also sleeve protectors. They're a slightly larger sleeve intended to fit standard size sleeves. They're usually used to keep rare sets of sleeves protected, but in your case it would help further protect the card.
Defz3r0 said:
Sleeves have already been suggested, but there are also sleeve protectors. They're a slightly larger sleeve intended to fit standard size sleeves. They're usually used to keep rare sets of sleeves protected, but in your case it would help further protect the card.

Do you refer to the typical big sleeves you receive if you purchase a rare card, or any card for that matter from online? If so, are those legal for tournament use? those are pretty nice haha that'd be great. expect maybe a lil bulky but hey that unique and pretty cool if thats allowed!:shy:
That thing sounds like a top-loader. Those aren't allowed for tournaments but should be oversleeves in your nearest Japanese online store.
As others have said, sleeves.

Even as a kid i never used to play tcg or yugioh unless my cards were in sleeves
While yes, sleeves will protect your cards, if you play with them at all for long enough, they'll start to look worse. That mostly comes from certain shuffling techniques, so if you're really careful with them they won't get damaged. Also being stacked in a pile of other cards inside a cramped deck being touched by peoples hands can get moisture on the cards, creating specs and dirt.
Sleeves will help your cards, but in general, I would look at the context of how the game releases work versus the value of the cards.

I would speculate that around 2015 the Plasma cards from this year will be retired from the tournament scene. Now, this is 100% true for every card, but once they are no long tournament legal cards, the value tends to plummet. While someone may pay $50 for a Deoxys EX right now, in 2016 that same card is not going to retain that value and a newer card will be of more worth.

So, why am I saying this? To remind you that you won't retired off of your card collection and you should enjoy them any way that you can. If you only enjoy collecting, that's great, as long as you understand that the prices are an ever-changing thing. But, if you want the full level of enjoyment out of your cards, you should learn to play them and appreciate their game play value as well.
I just use sleeves, but honestly I don't care too much about condition. I've never once seen a card in a deck, sleeved or not, be torn or creased. The absolute worst I've seen is a few small scuff marks on the edges. If a half millimeter of rubbed paper on a pokemon card is really that big of a deal then don't use em'. That's how I am with collectors when I trade; if one micron of scuffing is a deal breaker then good luck finding a flawless card, let alone 4 of them.

But honestly, there is no other option aside from Sleeves. Unless you count making your own sleeves using tape as non-sleeves... o_0
Pokewiz1999 said:
Lets hear someone say something besides sleeves.

Even if you use sleeves, cards can still acquire edge wear (at the very least).

RagePlaysGames said:
I need help.

I would not recommend playing with your most valued collectibles.

Consider whether or not minor damage to your cards is OK before you play with them.