Uxie and Claydol GE as leagues promo for 2009-2010 season;

RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

Well, they said these cards were "popular", and PUSA is smart enough to know what cards are popular, and which cards aren't. They could be decieving us as usual, but the mention of "popular uxie" definently gives us a chance.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

7Deadly$ins said:
So, will you feasibly be able to get both cards?

Leagues are being sent 4 of each for each player. So you should get a full playset.

Juliacoolo said:
Well, they said these cards were "popular", and PUSA is smart enough to know what cards are popular, and which cards aren't. They could be decieving us as usual, but the mention of "popular uxie" definently gives us a chance.

Mike Liesek, Dan Brandt, and Dave Schwimmer confirmed: Uxie LA. FOR SURE.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

will this extend the play-life of uxie into the 2010-11 season, when (presumably) everything before Platinum will be rotated out?
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

revdjweb said:
will this extend the play-life of uxie into the 2010-11 season, when (presumably) everything before Platinum will be rotated out?

I would think so. Which is the only thing about this i like.

If you give away all of the most expensive cards for free, the game becomes RedShark.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

These will be exciting to give out. I won't have to clean up the discarded pop 9 cards :D
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

amisheskimoninja said:
If you give away all of the most expensive cards for free, the game becomes RedShark.

Is that a bad thing? I wouldn't think so.

I think I'll do my best to get in on this :6
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

Its not that theyre giving away rare valuable cards, it's that theyre giving out cards that appear to be staple pokemon used in EVERY FRIGGIN DECK! Cards that are hard to pull and otherwise difficult to obtain. I STILL lack a Uxie and can't even get one from a league since none are near me!
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

Everything comes down to a business decision. The company who makes this game only make money on popular new cards for a little while. People basically buy packs to get cards from the new sets, and hope to pull the best ones. Once a set gets old, then they gradually stop making money on them. So then they take a few of the more popular cards and turn them into promos, which in turn generates a buzz and more interest in the game, and can also help bring more people into the game. Once that happens, these people begin buying the new packs and the whole cycle starts over again.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

GraveTheUndead said:
Oh wow, so badges are gone?

And replaced with mediocre net-decking cards?

Well, Goodbye league, goodbye Pokemon TCG for me. I went to league for badges and the whole collecting aspect of them.

This just bites, seriously.

It's a hard pill to swallow but If you play to have fun and earn points then that's all that matters, playing solely for badges I understand that it's a fun aspect and makes you feel like a Pokemon Trainer in the franchise itself but I still think POP/PUI could've handled it a bit differently where players could still earn badges.

The League Promo idea is a nice concept I agree with and I'm happy that Uxie LA is getting reprinted as a League Promo but Snorlax? Come on, you'd expect them to make Claydol GE as a League Promo instead of Snorlax but oh well. Even If POP/PUI doesn't reprint Claydol GE as a League Promo then it might freshen the meta a bit until we get something else in future sets that replace it.

Think about it this way with League Promos over badges League attendance could skyrocket as players would be able to get ahold of staple cards that they couldn't afford to get ahold of such as Uxie LA, but as I've said earlier Claydol GE is unconfirmed at the moment as a League Promo reprint. I still don't get why Snorlax should get reprinted, are they referring to Snorlax Lv. X maybe?

When I first started playing Pokemon TCG around when Majestic Dawn was the latest set and I played League in order to earn a badge I would of had to beat someone else who already had a badge to earn it which almost feels like a Gym battle in some aspect I guess.

Then POP/PUI sort of changed it to where instead of having to beat someone who has a specific badge in order to earn it you'd fill out your card to get a badge with your last opponent not needing to already have the badge you need to get it so instead of earning it you win it.

As for the video game prize support I kinda like it as well, but we'll see how it goes I guess.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

The Snorlax is understandable. The league prizes have to also be for the kids, not just the competitive players. Kids like Snorlax. It's very simple.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

For those upset about the lack of badges this season, keep in mind that there wasn't much they could do for badges anyway. Platinum's Battle Frontier wouldn't really work well and it's a tad too early to go with a Johto theme.

I'm pretty confident that league badges will return next year for HGSS, so just enjoy the awesome promos for now. I assure you, they're not that bad. ;]
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

Finally a reason to go to league!. I would of prefered a Claydol GE Reprint instead of Uxie, but thats just me. And Snorlax?! i can think if no Snorlax that is good apart from the RR Snorlax, but thats still not even that good.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

This is really great especially since we won't lose too bad of draw power since Uxie would be legal next year.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

X_empoleon_X said:
Finally a reason to go to league!. I would of prefered a Claydol GE Reprint instead of Uxie, but thats just me. And Snorlax?! I can think if no Snorlax that is good apart from the RR Snorlax, but thats still not even that good.

Keep in mind these will be rotating MONTHLY. So Rival will be Uxie and Snorlax, the cards for Cyrus are unannounced... so who knows we could see Claydol in there at some point.
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

So do you have to play for the uxie or are they given just like that? If we have to play for it, that sucks :(
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

kashmaster said:
So do you have to play for the uxie or are they given just like that? If we have to play for it, that sucks :(

You have to earn them like Pop Packs...
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

Playing for them at least shows .0000000000000000000000000000000001 skill, which is better than getting them for free
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

So what is playing for them is it like a BR where the winner wins the prize? I know its a bit weird I ask these questions but Sami goes to my league...
RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

Medaforcer said:
The Snorlax is understandable. The league prizes have to also be for the kids, not just the competitive players. Kids like Snorlax. It's very simple.

Kids also like Charizard and Pikachu, why didn't they do either of them instead of Snorlax? Oh the Horror PUSA forgot their most popular Pokemon! D:

RE: Uxie in pop packs for 2009-2010 season

omg, some of the complaints I'm reading...please people, get a grip...this is one of the best moves POP/PUSA has ever made

this just goes to show, that POP/PUSA/PI doesn't want this game turning into a collector's game where you have these insanely priced cards (i.e.: Uxie (LA) & Claydol (GE)) that make the metagame unfair when the cards are from older sets and the only real way to get them (without have to give up your firstborn in a trade) is to buy a box, which in turn because of the insanely priced cards, the boxes themselves become insanely priced...for those of you that pay attention to box prices like myself, you know exactly what I am talking about, $120+ for boxes of GE or LA...and being these cards are almost essential to making a competitive deck, that is truly unfair to newer players that are wanting to be competitive but happened to have missed being around when Claydol and Uxie were released in their respective sets...especially when you have people that try to greedily bank in on a good card, because then in turn, they start hoarding the cards to drive up market value...as I have seen in so many people's trade threads

the decision to drop badges was a little questionable to me, but I could see where the decision was made in order to save money...the manufacture of something that doesn't really make any money at all and doesn't really go to help players in the competitive metagame is just really a waste of money...as for the POP packs...after POP9's steaming piles, I am kinda happy to see they are gone, as most competitive players only wanted one or two cards from them anyway

and for the people complaining about it being unfair because they traded away an X or some other high end card, that's not unfair, you should've done like me and held out for a better trade...I've always hated the fact that cards like Uxie and Claydol were getting more attention in the market than cards that were rarer to come across like X's...a rare for something that you could only get, at that time, 2 to a box...that's ridiculous...I also love how this move undermines the secondary market, for the time being, as the price for Uxie will plummet...the secondary market in no way, shape, or form benefits POP/PUSA/PI...that's money only going into the pocket of sellers

this may also cause for more and bigger attendances at leagues, as people will be scrambling to get the Uxie...so what if there is a Snorlax being given as well....YOU CAN GET PLAYSET (= x4) OF UXIE (LA)...and if they don't announce Claydol (GE) as one of the cards given away at league, so eff'n what...if that is a problem for you, become a civil engineer, build a bridge and get over it - this was not directed towards anyone in particular, just people that are complaining about this situation in general

for those that are unhappy because this doesn't benefit them, because all they play is unlimited...well tough, just continue to do as you have been, just playing for fun...because that is all you can do, and it is all you were doing before, except you were getting useless pieces of metal in the form of pins/badges and, for the most part, crap promos that will never see the light of day in a major event...which is something that doesn't benefit POP/PUSA/PI, the competitive environment, or the game for that matter...yes, the badges will be missed, but they are irrelevant in the competitive metagame that exists and don't really benefit anyone except for collectors...and this game is not meant for collectors and collecting, hence it being a TCG (trading card game), instead of a CCG (collectible card game)

lastly...I still don't see the point behind not playing modified, especially now...the only reasons there should be not to play modified now is: if there are no events that happen that you can go to, if you are just starting to play the game and have nothing but old WOTC or EX series cards and don't have any or enough cards to make a modified deck...I used to think that I didn't want to play modified when I got back into pokemon, because I figured it was like how MTG does and would cost me lots of money to go to and play in events, but after checking out a few events, I realized I was wrong and it very easy and very cheap to get into modified play (considering none of the events, except PR's, cost anything to get into)...after I realized that, I wanted to make the cards I was getting go for something, other than space sitting in a basement corner, something I'm just carrying to have fun with...if I wanted all that, I would just go back to the DBZ/GT CCG and Epic Battles TCG...or just go for another card game that is loads of fun and a lot less to carry