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Uxie Donk: "I Can DO THIS With My EYES CLOSED!" (Masters, States)

Have I gone bonkers?!

  • Yes!!! Don't run Uxie Donk!

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • Not at all!

    Votes: 13 81.3%

  • Total voters

Mous Arishi

Shiro loves Kuro!
4x Uxie (LA)
4x Unown R (LA)
2x Crobat G (PT)
1x Unown Q (MD)
1x Regice (LA)
1x Dunsparce (HGSS)

Total: 13x Pokemon

3x Pokemon Collector
2x Seeker

2x Pokemon Contest Hall

4x Plus Power
4x PokeTurn
4x Poke Dex
4x Super Scoop Up
4x Pokedrawer +
4x Pokeblower +
4x Junk Arm
3x Pokemon Rescue
3x Dual Ball
2x Expert Belt
1x Luxury Ball

Total: 44x T/S/S

2x Cyclone Energy
1x Psychic Energy

Total: 3x energy.

Playing UXIE DONK in this meta and at states, are you mad?! And yes, yes I am! Look at the title of the deck, I'm not afraid to make a bad pun either.

So this is my Uxie Donk list. Really, I intend to play this for the fun of it at states since I haven't had a lot of time to playtest. Objective, to donk like no one's business. With my heavy duty Trainer engine, I spread out damage counters, and deck myself out! Cyclones and Regice are there to move the active spiritomb. Basically, my biggest strategy is to go in and play this like I don't give a care in the world.

One thing I am really considering is placing an Old Amber in the deck. It's purpose in the deck would be to place on my bench against the Lostgar matchup. If they seeker, I pickup the fossil, and then they can "Hurl that into Darkness" all day long. If i'm not going against Lostgar, then the fossil can just be discarded once I play it on the bench or become junk arm fodder. I'd appreciate people's thoughts on this matter.

Comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated!
RE: "I Can DO THIS With My EYES CLOSED!" (Masters, States)

Brilliant name.
What do you do when you don't get the donk?
I might recommend Spiritomb AR or Mr. Mime SV. IDK though.
P.S. Does your user title have anything to do with Tekkon Kinkreet?
RE: *Needs main Pokemon from deck in title*

If I don't get the donk, then I keep using Uxie through psychic restore. I return Uxie at the top, then Energy, then Expert Belt, and finally the 4 pluspowers. That way I draw into Uxie, and "Set Up" for the Rest. So basically, I keep beating for 80.

The thought of a wall is still up there. I don't really lock much with spiritomb, but Mr Mime is a consideration. My other thoughts lied in playing Miasma Valley and Absol to put damage counters on benched pokemon for Uxie to pick off. Regice kills the thought though.

P.S.S.: The name is a reference from Pinky and the Brain.
Uxie donk and other donk decks are doing quite well here in the UK, so I wouldn't call it completely bonkers.
One of the decks ran Dunsparce HGSS to take on any decks with psychic resistance or umbreon so you could consider that, otherwise a pretty strong looking deck.
This is a super mos-def aesome, clever name.
COnsider Dunsparce. It's just cool, and can help against Garchomp or something. Looks very solid, nice job.
P.S. do you want your oddish back?
I have a similar deck that has Jirachi with Last Wish (for his attack, not power, the copy supporter) and a few pokemon contest halls with Skuntank G, that way if they bench 2 pokes you can bring the active to 10hp, poison him and double seeker for the win. of course that means Pokemon Collector would be a dead draw to the deck.
-3 Collector
-2 Contest Hall
-2 Pokemon Resuce
+1 Crobat G
+3 Quick Ball
+1 Dual Ball
+1 Quick Ball/Dunsparce HS
+1 Cyclone Energy

That'll probaly be good. This'll autoloss againest Trainer locks, unless you get god hand with Regice.
Thanks for all the comments!

For sure I'm going to take out a Pokemon rescue for a Dunsparce HGSS.

@Cirrus: Nice concept for a deck, but what's your plan if you don't get the donk.

@6-D: Keep the oddish. I've got a ton of both the UD one and the Psychic typed LA one.

So thoughts on teching in a fossil for the Lostgar matchup?
IMO you don't need it. Being that you run so few Pokemon, and most of them will be played on the first to second turn anyway, there won't be many Pokes in your hand to Lost Zone, anyhow. Just my thoughts.
My plan is basically the same as yours, those are just there to make teh turn one win more likely.